Chapter 36

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Elias' POV
I knew that look. I'd seen it a million times in her mother's face. She couldn't believe it. She was torn and lost but did I care? Nope. Just like I didn't care for my own mate. Her mother. I remember everything that happened on the day she run away.

I wrapped my arm around Crystal's throat she clawed at them, her hands partially shifting. I cocked my head. That was impressive. Her long black hair was tied in a bun. She knows I like it down better. Her blue eyes turned to me, lost, sad and broken.

For a moment, a second, my heart softened before I hardened it again. She was a wolf. A no good freak of nature hoping to tie me down to her with this little stupid mate bond. I was sure to show her her place.

She was only good for my pleasures and for the use of others in the brotherhood. I dropped her to the ground and she coughed and gasped for breath.

"When I say shut up I mean it bitch!" I snarled at her.

She nodded on the ground and I straightened out. I was about to turn and go to the office. We were having a meeting in the next quest to find the white wolf. Crystal jumped up. Her hand came straight for my face and I was to stunned to move. She had a dagger in her grasp and she lodged it in my eye.

I screamed in agony as blood dropped from my eye to the floor. Crystal was gone in a flash. Never to be seen again.

It took months for me to heal then I went for a hunt. I had to find that bitch and make her pay! I was sitting in my room, my face slightly sweaty due to the eye patch I had gotten. The door slammed open one of my brothers holding papers in his grasp.

"Sir, we found some information on Crystal. Her bloodline is connected to the last white wolf around." He said putting the passed on my desk.

When I looked through them, I found out what he said was true. She could be the white wolf herself. Come to think of it, she had never shifted in front of me. I had to find her. And I was ready to use any means necessary. Even the mate bond.

I remember the three years of my life I wasted, searching. She had escaped to Australia, over 10,000 miles away. How? I don't know but I had to give her credit. She was smart. But not smart enough to cover her tracks when she went to America.

The smell of blood filled the air as my brothers killed every wolf in the pack in search for Crystal. She was here I knew it.

"Come out bitch. I've come to play!" I shouted with open arms.

She appeared from the woods, beautiful as ever. She had changed, had more curves on everybody than she previously did. Her hair was longer and darker but her eyes hard but held a small sparkle. Why?

I smiled at her and she growled. "Now now mate. Why do you hate me so?" I asked and she lunged at me.

We fought, blow after blow, kick after kick until she transformed into a beautiful white wolf. But something was off. She had a spot of black on her tail. Yes she was white, but she wasn't pure. Pity.

She clawed at me and I tried to strangle her. She caged me in her arms as she tried to pull my arm off. I brought my other hand to my belt which had a sliver dagger covered in a layer of wolfsbane. I brought it up, stabbing her in the throat.

Her movements stopped and her body fell to the side. I got up, watching as the light died in her eyes and something in me died to. I was horrible person but no one was safe from the mate bond.

The place was quiet. My brothers and I went to the nearest pack, an old ally of ours back in the day, Moon Dust pack. They let us in with open arms. That night, a group of people from the pack we killed came to join. They all did, with a beautiful ceremony except for one little girl.

Big brown doe eyes and brown hair. She looked familiar and I couldn't believe it when it clicked. She was Crystal's daughter. My daughter.

I hated her. She was the reason Crystal left and I was sure she carried the white wolf bloodline, she could even be the white wolf herself but on her tenth birthday, no matter what I did, she didn't turn.

Such a disappointment.

That is until I found that mutt Natasha. She gave me more than enough information I needed. Almost ten years later, my daughter is alive, well and kicking. And she's pregnant. I could tell thanks to the spell a witch had given me. It was supposed to make me more in sync with the aether and it worked.

"Gemma Frost, wolf name Winter, Daughter of Crystal Winters right? That's the name she went by? Not Crystal Oceanus. She didn't even like that name that much." I said calmly as Gemma broke down mentally.

"I see you're with Alpha Conner of the Blood Moon pack. Did you know he's the first lycan in centuries? Wow. Finding all this info wasn't easy. I should thank this mutt." I said jabbing a thumb to the wolf next to me. She growled.

"I can still put you in you're place Elias." She growled.

"Elias?" I turned my head to Gemma. She seems to have gotten out of her shock. What?

"You're name is Elias?" She asked before bursting out in laughter. I frowned. Then I noticed her eyes, one was glowing more than the other. She was drawing strength from her wolf.

"Well dad dear, this really is a nice reunion. You see, we, me and my wolf, we've been though a lot but this... this was unexpected. I'm so happy I know who killed our mother. Now I can kill you and get that done." She said and I was seriously confused.

"It's how we deal with pain and the unknown papa dear. Humour. Now pull up your sleeves and let's battle." Gemma said glaring at me.

"Yes we should get on with it. Be sure to protect the little ones in your belly. Would be tragic if anything happened to them." I said with a smirk and my daughter growled.

This was going to be fun.

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