Chapter 37

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Gemma's POV
The thing about emotion is that it's like clay. You can shape it and mold it and will it to be whatever you want. I was feeling too much to help me concentrate. So I moulded my emotion into a little ball and kept it in the back of my mind. I would explore it later. Now, I had to fight.

"Yes we should get on with it. Be sure to protect the little ones in your belly. Would be tragic if anything happened to them." My so called father said with a smirk and I growled.

I could feel surprise from the mate bond and even the others couldn't hide it. Elias indicated for the hunters to attack and we had an army coming at us.

"I'll explain later!" I screamed to everyone before gathering water and turning them into long sharp shards, tossing them at hunters. Eve raised her hands, calling lightning and sticking some hunters down. Jace shifted, making his fur steel and protecting us from the wolfsbane darts coming at us.

Caroline shifted too, covering her wolf's body in fire and running through the hunters, burning them down one by one. Ash was standing at the side, his eyes had like green lines running down them and I didn't know what he was up to. Conner shifted into his lycan.

"Gemma you can't fight! You're pregnant." He growled at me. I turned to him.

"I'm fighting Conner. I promise I'll protect our children with my life. I swear." I said.

He didn't like the thought of me dying or me and the children or me dying for the children. He didn't want to leave us.

"Go Conner. I'll come back to you." I said and he huffed before running on his lycan legs into the fray. Shadows rushed from the forest behind him, putting down soldiers.

An army of androids came from the trees and I was surprised. Turning to Ash, he gave me a wink before shifting and running into battle, the androids behind him. Well then.

The elements were all present, maybe except earth, but the battle field was a mess of blood, ash, smoke, light, explosions, shadows, screams and ice. I lost Elias but Natasha the hulk was running towards me at an alarming speed. I sent different ice shards at her but she just dodged them, her pace not slowing.

'We fight.' Winter said in my head.

'Together.' I answered her and we were off.

I gathered a ball of water, heating it up, I threw it and it landed in Natasha's brown skin. She hissed in pain and paused for a second. I run towards her, delivering a flying rough house kick to her head. She stumbled to the side and I moved back, raising my fists.

Natasha chuckled. "You die today."

"Sorry mate, I got kids to raise." I said and we battled.

She had gotten faster and stronger over the years. Her blow was mostly aimed at my belly but I managed to protect it no matter what. Natasha punched me across the jaw, dislocating it.

Ok, I'm done playing tango.

I covered the ground where she stood with water, causing her to sink then I run towards her, grabbing her head and twisting her neck. I froze all the blood in her head then flipped over her body, my back collided with hers and I pulled, breaking her head off her body with a crack.

I dropped her iced head on the ground with a thump.

"Go Gemma!" Eve shouted from where she was shocking some hunters. She brought down a huge lightning bolt that blew them all up.

"Nice Eve!" I shouted.

"I know right! Have you seen the androids! My mate did that! Love you babe!" She shouted at Ash. He yipped in happiness in his wolf form.

His Gifted LunaOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara