Prologue 2

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Kokichi's POV

GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT He thought as he slammed his head into the wall once more, unaware that Shuichi could hear him. Blood trickled down his forehead. o-ow.. he thought. He then heard a knock on his door. He panicked and put away his box but didn't bother to clean up the blood on his forehead.

I opened the door and looked up and Shuichi.
"Hey Shumaiiii~~~" I cheered in a sing song voice, completely forgetting about the blood until I noticed his terrified face.
"Oh, this is just from me tripping haha, don't worry about it" I stated, putting my hands behind my back.

"No, I heard thumping before that loud bang. You're lying aren't you, Kokichi?" He interrogated.
"Jeez, Shumai! You're getting pretty good at catching my lies~ its making me feel like we're peeeeerfect for eachotehr don'tcha think?" I teased, watching him get more and more flustered and angry.
"Mannnnn you're no fun, whatever I'm tired, goodnight, see ya tomorrow Shumai!~" I quickly objected before he could answer. I shut the door in a hurry and locked it, rushing to the bathroom to wash off the blood.

Shuichi's POV

He's been acting a bit strange... is it because of what I said to him..? Nah he's the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I'm sure he'll be fine and get over it. I absent-mindedly pondered as I went back to my dorm and fell asleep for real this time.

I woke up to the morning announcements. I don't think ill ever get used to that.. I completely forgot about what happened last night. I got up and got dressed, putting on my usual uniform and heading downstairs to attend breakfast. I opened the cafeteria door and saw everyone but Kokichi. thats new..? I noticed everyone else, including Kaito in a good mood despite what happened last night.

I strolled over to him, and we hung out all day. It was pretty fun, but for some reason I felt like I was forgetting something....

339 words.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now