Chapter 18 - The Key

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Shuichi's POV

It was lunch time. I was eating a bento and Kokichi wasn't eating anything, he was just drinking panta like he always does. I questioned it in my mind but didn't bring it up.

As me and him chatted, I could see him hungrily eyeing my food, I picked up a piece of sushi from the container with my chopsticks and held it up to Kokichi, offering him some.

"You want any? You look a bit hungry considering the fact you're only drinking panta."

Kokichi laughed and said, "I eat during class to pass time which is why you never see me eating anything." This statement made me uncomfortable because I'm always watching him in class and he's never eaten in it before.

Now something was definitely suspicious about him, but i shrugged it off and didn't bring it up in fear of starting up an argument. I was going to speak but Kokichi did before me.

"Why ya askin? Could it be that you're worried for little ol' me? Aww thanks my beloved Shumai! I'll keep that in mind!" I blushed and looked over to the side, obviously flustered.

"N-no.. erhm.. hey Koki?" Kokichi jumped surprise at the new nickname, an obvious shade of red was now visible on his cheeks.

He purposely spilled some panta on his lips, I was confused at this action until he grabbed a napkin and covered his cheeks, pretending to wipe up the carbonated drink.

Smart.. but I saw that, try to be more unobvious next time. "Do you need help with that?" I asked, acting like I didn't just see the boy's mini panic attack.

"Well yeah obviously! A peasant like you should always help a leader in need." He said, sassily crossing his arms like a little kid who just got denied their way.

"Ok ok I'll help" I said with a playful giggle as I gathered up a few napkins and wiped the smaller boy's chin and lips. I could see him blush as I did it.

"Oh.. y-you actually helped? I was just joking dummy!" He raised his voice near the end of his sentence, probably trying to cover up his obvious stutter.

I laughed and said, "Anyway, do you want my last sushi roll?" I genuinely asked, worried for Kokichi's health.

He shook his head and replied with, "I already said no, eat it or give it to Miu, wait speaking of Miu-" he picked up a nearby packet of ranch and teared it open.

He threw it at the inventor and it landed in her hair, the girl shrieked and rushed to take it out.

He couldn't keep a straight face after doing that and we both broke into laughter. Our laughing was soon interrupted by the bell ringing, and as I was gathering my stuff, Kokichi tapped on my shoulder from behind.

Kokichi's POV

I took one of my spare keys out of my pocket and tapped on Shuichi's shoulder. I handed it to him. "Here, this is just in case" I said with a bland smile.

He looked at me with suspicious eyes but took it anyway. "Anyways I'm gonna skip class again like I usually do, cya Saihara-chan!" He waved goodbye and after he left I made my way to the rooftop where I usually go.

I sat at the bench that was located there and took out a notebook. I usually wrote in this notebook everyday, jotting down what occurred at school or just in general, kind of like a diary.

I wrote about how I gave Shuichi the key so the next time I attempt he didn't have to have a full on 1v1 battle with a locked door.

I laughed at my own joke since I usually use humor to cope with my issues. Soon I got bored of writing and doodling and put away the book. I decided to take a nap while I waited for school to end.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora