Prologue 3

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Kokichi's POV it finally time..? I questioned, studying the rope in my hand. No, I shouldn't, I should wait right? I gulped, knowing I'll never see Shuichi again. I choked back a sob, trying to not seem weak. funny... I giggled at myself. I'm still trying to keep up this stupid mask even when I'm about to die.. so funny.

I set up the chair, and tied the noose afterwards. No.. I should wait.. just until tomorrow, I wanna see Shumai one last time.. As I thought that, I heard my stomach growl. oh.. thats right.. I haven't eaten in a few days.. I haven't gone down to the cafeteria at all today and no one has checked on me.. I started to cry NO STOP, STOP BEING A WEAK CRYBABY, STOP CRYING! I rushed to the bathroom, pulling out the boxcutter from last night.

I rolled up my sleeves, eyeing the cuts from last night. They were now scabs. I pressed the boxcutter up against my forearm and slid it across from the left to the right. Intrusive thoughts filled my head.



fucking idiot

hang yourself

shuichi wouldn't care if you died"

I felt a headache come along and let out a slight scream of pain. I should just do it today.. but after I see shumai.. right? he... still... considers... me.. a friend..... right..? I put the chair and rope away before walking out of my dorm. I just wanna see shuichi one last time... I strolled through the halls, making sure no one saw me. Then I saw someone familiar with dark brown hair that was styled in... pigtails..


shit shit shit FUCK
I quickly turned and walked the other way. its quite late.. maybe shumai isn't at the cafeteria.. hopefull- SHUMAI! I beamed at the sight of my crush. Until I noticed he was walking back to the dorms with Kaito.
My heart dropped at the sight of him, and I decided to just wait and watch Shuichi go into his dorm. i don't want to wait until tomorrow anymore.. so.. I guess this really is the last time I'll see shumai.. I entered my dorm after Shuichi went inside his.

I set up the chair and rope again. Those same 8 words ringing in my head.
'You're alone Kokichi, and you always will be.' A smile plastered onto my face as tears rolled down my cheeks, knowing I'll be doing everyone a favor. Knowing that this would be the end of my pain. I got on top of the chair and hesitated a bit before putting the rope around my neck. I slowly stepped toward the edge and all of a sudden one of the chair's legs broke.

459 words.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora