Chapter 6 - Date!?

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Published on 21.03.2021

● A U T H O R ●

Beginnings are accompanied with changes. Some fear them while some look forward to it. They find it exciting and thrilling. But for Aarohi and Vihaan, change was something they neither feared nor was it something they looked forward to. Vihaan liked the monotonous routine or maybe he had just got accustomed to it. While Aarohi liked when things were under her control, the way she wants them or moreover the way she plans.

But what's the fun in that?

What's the fun if you don't push yourself, if you don't explore the uncertainties, if you don't face situations that test you and if you don't meet people who bring out that version of you which you didn't even know existed within you!

Life isn't something that you need to understand but something that you need to live and experience. It's full of surprises. Even if you feel that you've everything planned or you've considered all possibilities that could take place, it still finds a way to amaze you. It's unpredictable. But even in the chaos called life one thing that's certain is that it is uncertain and even if you try, you can't avoid them.

"Congratulations Aarohi. Hope you've a blissful married life."

"Hearty congratulations Dr Aarohi. We'll miss you here especially the kids but enjoy yourself to the fullest and don't forget to send pictures from your wedding in the group."

"Congrats soon to be Mrs Agarwal. You're one lucky woman."

This was all Aarohi had been hearing since the time she reached the hospital and everyone got to know that she's getting married and it only got more intensified when they came to know that she was marrying 'The Vihaan Agarwal'.

She had already applied for leave and was granted one and she was leaving early today.

"Aarohiiii!" Rashmi squealed. "You're getting married and that too to the handsome, rich businessman and eligible bachelor Vihaan Agarwal. This is literally a doorway to a perfect life. Go and get it girl." She said dreamily nudging Aarohi with her elbow.

Aarohi was about to reply that she could go and get married to him if she wishes to as she has no issues but she refrained herself.

"Dr Rashmi, volumes low. We're at the hospital and we need to maintain the decorum and thanks for the congratulatory message." Aarohi replied politely.

"Fine fine I'll leave now but you're seriously a lucky bitch." Rashmi simpered and left.

She was now alone in her infirmary. She couldn't understand why were people making a big deal of her getting married to Vihaan. Sure he was rich, handsome and all that but so what!? While most of them were genuinely happy for her, she didn't miss the fake wishes by some who had given her their best fake smile to which she responded with her own best fake smile.

"Accepted that he's rich, famous, attractive and has a lavish lifestyle but he's still a human! Why are all these people fangirling over him? He ain't a bollywood star or a cricketer?" She sneered while speaking to herself.

'Says the one who herself was ready to fangirl over him if he wasn't the person who asked her hand for marriage' her subconscious taunted.

"Shut up! You always speak at the wrong time." Aarohi complained.

"Okay agreed that I said that but what's with the constant saying that I'm lucky to get married to him. If I was getting married to someone else, would that have meant I'm unlucky? This makes me feel as if he's doing a favour on me, as if I'm inferior and don't deserve him. Well it doesn't matter if I deserve him or not because the marriage will just be on papers." She pouted.

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