Chapter 4: What's sauce for the goose...

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Arnav was lying on the bed he'd decorated with her sarees, creating a cosy, diffused space. He'd been working all morning, ignoring his wife, leaving her to her own devices, while trying to convince a team of Italians that ARD was a great company to deal with. If they managed to win this account, they'd hit the Italian market. Less money... but definitely more prestige. The Italians were known for their quality and design and were at the forefront of fashion. Not the best collaboration ARD could get, but he was starting small. Going international with the Germans was one thing, but this other European set was proving to be more difficult. He was confident though that they'd come around. ARD had the best designs in the Indian market, and the best quality for detail work. He'd insisted on that right from the beginning.

They'd come around. He'd been so excited when they finished the meeting on a positive note. Then sent a bunch of emails to follow up on their demands. His first thought was to share it with Khushi. She'd be so excited for him... and ARD. He'd already shared his tension and anxiety with her about this deal, and now, he wanted to share the first inkling of success he'd had. She'd immediately pray to Devi Maiyya and make jalebis for him... sugar-free ones for his diabetes... while dancing around the house in glee, he could already picture it.

He remembered all those milestones he'd had when she was not in his life. He didn't have anyone to share his thoughts and fears with... his Di didn't understand his drive for success, she'd just tell him to not go after something if it caused him trouble... Akash would get more stressed since he also worked at ARD, and he couldn't burden him more... and there was nobody else he could share his abject terror of failure. He needed to be a success... for himself... for his family. He'd promised himself, as a young, untried youth of 15, that he'd make something of his life... show his Chacha that the betrayal he'd got from his own family, when he and his sister had been kicked to the curb after his parents' death, did not break him, as his uncle had expected. He would rise... and rise higher than anyone had before. And he had, making AR Designs one of the best fashion houses in the country. His name was taken in the top-most businessmen in the country, and it was all self-made.

But he was lonely... and used to that state. He didn't know what it was like to share his thoughts and feelings... to share his life. He never wanted to either. He had very few friends, held his family close and his heart even closer. And then this whirlwind named Khushi Kumari Gupta had come in... blowing through his defenses without any effort... making him feel his loneliness... wanting it filled with her laughter and warmth. It made him livid to realize he not only wanted her in his life... he needed her. And he almost drove her away... He almost lost her.

But maybe there was a force out there that was looking out for him. He'd never believed in God or Fate or any of that, believing that he made his own destiny. But there must be someone he'd pleased... something he'd done... because he couldn't believe that despite his irrational, stupid behavior, he'd still ended up with this woman in his life. He wasn't sure he deserved her, but she was his now, and he'd be damned if he lost her again.

He knew Khushi was working in the garden after breakfast... just as he was sure she'd already had lunch prepared. When he'd looked at the time, it was still a few hours shy of lunchtime. He decided to set up the bed as he'd wanted to last night. He'd found these scarves in ARD last week, and wanted to gift them to her, and so brought them home with him. But then, he got a naughty idea and decided to bring them along to the farmhouse. So after the meeting, he'd decorated the bed a bit and tied the restraints to the headboard. He wasn't sure she'd go for it, but she'd surprised him with her enthusiasm for everything so far. She was so shy when they'd first met, but with this hidden streak of playfulness and passion in her. He didn't realize those attributes would translate to the bedroom too, making for a very satisfying bed partner... a very, very satisfying one. Every time Nani or Di said that Khushi was a match for him, he grinned internally knowing exactly how much of a match she was. She thrilled him no end with her responsiveness, and he lost control every time she set out to seduce him. Every. Single. Time.... Sometimes even when she wasn't planning on a seduction. Hence the restraints... cause the control freak in him wanted a few moments when she didn't overwhelm him so much with her touch.

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