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Lorenzo POV:
I finally had my enemy, the Russian mafia in my custody. I was teasing them when I saw the back of their daughter, face nuzzled into her older brothers chest. I had never seen the girl, they took great pride in hiding her identity, something which I should have done to protect my own daughter, but I failed.

When she was away from her pesky brother I finally got a look. It was those eyes. Those eyes who gave me so much joy and sadness. The more I looked the more I saw, she had the same eyes as my wife, she looked so similar to Max. Could it— "Marissa?" I asked terrified, this could be my daughter. I moved my hand to her cheek, the felt her soft skin in my hand, so similar to my baby that I lost years ago. "Marrissa, is that really you?" I mumbled.

"H-h-how do you know my name?" She whimpered. Oh my god, her name was Marrissa, she had to be. This had to be my Marrissa, the eyes, the name, the face, it all matched.

"I need you to come with me." I needed to take her to get a DNA test, although there was no doubt in my mind she was my Marrissa. I also needed to get her away from these monsters that kidnapped her from me. She shook her head, which I understood, but I needed her to come with me. I looked to my men to grab me a syringe that would knock her out for a few hours. I didn't want to, but I had to. "I'm sorry Principessa." I whispered injecting her. She became limp and I picked her up bridal style, I started walking out when I heard shouts coming from the Russians, but I was already out the door.

My boys weren't home at the moment, Max and Gio were at school and Alfonso and Vincenzo were out on a mission, but they should be home in a hour.

I first called our mafia doctor and had him rush a DNA test for Marrissa, he said he should have the results in a few hours. Next I went home and carried Marissa through her old home. I carried her upstairs until I reached the door to her bedroom. Every year we would redecorate it in preparation for if we found our precious baby back. I layed her on the bed and tucked her in, just as I used to when she was a baby. I layed a soft kiss on her forehead and walked out of the room.

A few hours later I got the call I was waiting for. "Capo, it was a match, this is your Marissa." The doctor announced. Joy overflowed, I knew she was mine from the second I saw her but, hearing him confirm that made it one hundred times better.

Soon enough I heard the front door open and all my sons walk in. I which ran to the front room and stopped them from going anywhere before I told them the news. "Boys wait!" I announced.

"Oh dad, I didn't know you were going to be home this early, what's up?" My oldest, Vincenzo asked.

"Boys, I have something to tell you." They all looked at me confused. "I found her." Was all I needed to say for their eyes to light up. Especially Max's, Marissa was his twin after all.

"Where is she!" Gio asked with tears of joy.

"She's upstairs in her room sleeping."

Everyone quickly ran upstairs to her bedroom and ran in, they all approached her bed, except Max.

"She's really here."

"She's so big now."

"I can't believe this." They all said.

Max was still standing back, I know this is going to be hard for him. When he lost his twin, he lost a part of himself, he became quiet, he stopped spending time with us, he distanced himself from everyone.

"Boys, there's something you should know." I told them sadly. "I don't think she remembers any of us."

The boys expressions turned angry. "Where did you find her?" Vincenzo asked.

I knew this was going to make them want to kill, but I wanted blood as well. "She was with the Russians. They're at the warehouse right now."

As if we all read each others minds, we all started walking out of the room and drove to the warehouse. I called a guard and maid to watch her, but I know she won't wake up for a few more hours anyway.

Adrian POV:
My family and I was all talking about Issa, we were so worried, when the cell door opened to reveal Lorenzo, and his four sons.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER!" I screamed, charging at the one who looked around my age. If I'm not mistaken his name is Giovanni.

This seemed to piss him off because the next thing I knew he we were fighting and he screamed. "SHES NOT YOUR FUCKING SISTER!"

"YES SHE IS YOU BITCH AND YOU TOOK HER! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HURT HER ILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" I roared as my brothers and parents tried to get me off De Lucas son.

Next thing I knew I froze as a shot rang out. De Luca had shot the ceiling to stop the fight, which worked I guess. Giovanni and I both gave each other black eyes and busted lips.

"Where the hell is my daughter De Luca!" My father shouted.

De Luca cringed. "She's not your daughter Vodim, she's mine! You took my youngest child from me, now I'll take yours from you." He said raising a gun at my little brother.


"Nice try Sasha, I already had a DNA test, she's 100% my daughter." De Luca sneered.

What the? How?

"What?" My father asked, a look of confusion riddled his face.

"Like you don't know. You kidnapped my precious Principessa from me!" De Luca cried angrily.

"No! We adopted her! She's our baby!" Mom cried, tears streaming down her face, as De Luca still had a gun pointed at Nik.

"Like we'll believe you." Vincenzo growled.

"Look, do whatever you want to me, just don't touch my kids, that includes Marissa!" My dad begged, stepping in front of Nik with his hands up.

De Luca looked like he was deep in thought, when mom pulled out something from her purse. A photograph. "This is the adoption center we adopted Issa from." She showed De Luca the photo. I remember that day, mom and dad took all of us to meet Issa for the first time. She was so tiny and cute, from the moment I saw her all I wanted to do was protect her.

The whole De Luca family looked at the photograph. Lorenzo slowly lowered his weapon. "You care about her don't you?" Lorenzo asked.

"More than anything." My father replied.

"Dad what are you doing?" The second oldest De Luca asked his father.

"They didn't kidnap Marissa. If they did and knew who she was they would have killed her, or at least not care about her this much." He replied to his son. "Come with me, I'll take you to her." I was surprised that Lorenzo was taking us to see her, he must care about her as much as we do, he must know that if he kills us, Issa will never forgive him.

They took us to their mansion, under surveillance of heavily armed guards, and to Issas "room" he opened the door and I saw Issa asleep on the bed.

Nik POV:
As soon as I saw her, I immediately rushed to her and grabbed her. I climbed in the bed and set her on my lap, to the De Lucas great displeasure, and tried to shake her awake. "Why isn't she waking up! What did you do to her!" I yelled at Lorenzo.

"She's fine, I would never hurt her, she should be waking up any second now." Lorenzo replied as I stared him down.

As if on queue, Issa awoke. She immediately saw the De Lucas and clung to me. Mom, dad, Pavel, and Adrain rushed to her. "Baby it's okay, we're safe." Mom soothed her.

"Dad whats happening?" Issa mumbled.

"It's okay дорогой, your safe. Issa there's someone that wants to meet you." My dad said as softly as possible. "The De Lucas—" she immediately pushed back to my chest. She knew about the mafia and that the De Lucas were one of our biggest enemies. "—are your biological family...."

Unlikely AlliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora