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Marrissa POV:
I awoke to my stupid alarm. It's too early for this. I had to start school today, yay. Note the sarcasm. It's been two weeks and I've started to get to know my new brothers better. Who could even have guessed they could survive living in a house together without killing each other.

Max and I got a lot closer, giving Nik a run for his money, which Nik doesn't like but he understands the twin thing, so it's more of friend rivalry. Unlike Adrian and Gio who want to rip each others heads off every second of the day. Pavel and Vincenzo seem to have a mutual unsaid agreement about being acquaintances, kinda in a businesses partner kind of way. And Alfonso, well he kinda just ignores me, unless he's giving me a glare, and well safe to say he quietly dislikes Pavel, Adrian, and Nik.

Breakfast was interesting, mom, dad, and Lorenzo were out doing joint mafia stuff or whatever with Pavel, Vincenzo, and Alfonso, leaving the rest of us by ourselves.

"Ok so, since you start school we thought we'd give you some rules." Giovanni announced.

I froze. Not them too. Nik and Adrian gave me rules at our last school, no boys being a top priority. They basically scared off anybody I talked to. "Hold on—you can't do that! Nik back me up."

"Sorry sis, we already agreed." Nik replied.

"Truly, it's the first and last time I will ever agree with this fucker." Adrian said referring to Gio.

"Max you too?" I looked to my twin.

"It's just a precaution, you should be happy I talked them out of most of the rules."

"Anyway— rules go as followed: you have all classes with at least one of us so no ditching, if anyone messes with you tell us, try not to fail your classes most of us did so it's time to bring back honor to the family name, and most most important: no boys, no males, no owner of a penis."

"Ew" I interrupted. Why did he have to phrase it like that.

"Got it?"

"Sure" I sassed to Gio.

"We're serious Issa, we don't want to have to kill any boys, mom put us on murder restriction." Adrian joked.


After breakfast we all got into cars and drove to school, when we entered the student parking lot all eyes were on us. Girls were hitting on all my brothers. It was obvious Max and Gio were popular. And my instincts said Adrian and Nik were about to become popular too.

(A/N: I'm not dead guys. I'm rlly sorry for the no update it's been way to long. It's been exam week then I got vaccinated and felt some terrible side effects ~side note don't be afraid side effects are rare and I only felt it once out of my two doses please get vaccinated and wear a mask, let's end this together~anyway updates should be more regular now. XOXO, Lily)

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