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(A/N: hey guys sorry for being away for a long time, I had major writers block, everything I write just felt bad. I kept changing and deleting things, rewriting, etc, but I realized i just need to trust what i write, and trust that it's a good idea. I'm really scared about this chapter because this is where the plot starts to thicken and I'm scared I wrote it weird and there's too much to fast. Thank you for everyone that stuck with me! But imma just close my eyes and press publish Bc i know if i dwell on this again I'm never gonna get anything published. XOXO, Lily)

Marissa POV:
After about three days of giving my brothers the silent treatment, I finally ended their "torture" as Nik calls it. Over the past week I feel like my brothers, biological and adoptive, had all been getting better. We're all adjusting to the new situation and instead of full on hatred of each other, now they're fighting like siblings, but if I'd ever mention that to their faces they would deny it.

Mom and 'Dads' were away on business back in New York, and Adrian and Nik were out getting food.

I was currently walking out of my bedroom to go down to the kitchen when I passed by my twin. He didn't even give me a smile, he just ignored me.

What the hell?

He was my twin and he just ignored me? I thought we were doing a really good job bonding, but I don't know anymore.

A little hurt, I continued my journey to the kitchen where I passed Alfonso and Giovanni. Both gave me the same silent treatment.

"Hey" I tried, but my brothers just looked at me and left. "Is it just National hate Isa day." I mumbled to myself when someone came into the kitchen.


He sighed. "Isa it's not you, it's just a difficult day for all of us." Enzo tried. I looked confused when he told me to follow him.

We walked outside to the garden where a statue of an angel was placed. It was my birth mothers tombstone. I began to read the date: October 1, 1981-July 8, 2008.

July 8th was today.

This was the anniversary of my birth mother's death.

I just stood there next to Enzo in silence. Moments felt like hours as time slowed and I tried to remember anything about her. But I was too young, tears started forming when I realized I had no memories with her. My adoptive mom was the best but, I guess I'd always wanted to meet my birth mom.

My voice cracked as I tried to speak. "What was she like?" I asked Enzo.

Enzo took a breath, and looked down into my eyes, his eyes had a rim of tears threatening to spill. I'd never think I'd see him cry, he was always so emotionless. "She was the best," a small smile left his lips as he looked to remember a memory. "She always knew exactly what one of us needed as kids. If Alfonso was crying she would take him out to see the stars. If there was thunder, she'd come into my room to comfort me, I never liked the noise it made. When you and Max were born, she made sure you were always together, she swore you two had separation anxiety, and needed to be in the same room every second of the day." He paused for a moment before continuing. "You look just like her you know. Same eyes, same smile." He spoke. "She'd be really proud of the woman you have become."

I had tears in my eyes by the end of his speech. "Alfonso, Gio, and Max took it hard, they were the ones there when it happened. Mom was taking them shopping when she was shot. They took it hard, they still do, so try not to take their dickish behavior to heart. It will be better in the morning, I promise." Enzo had just put a arm around me, when we heard yelling and glass breaking inside.

Unlikely Alliesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن