Chapter 2

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A smooth , deep and loud voice boomed through the office of CEO of Stone Multinational. Luckily the room was sound proof if the door was closed .
The oldest Stone alive raised a single eyebrow as if saying does it look like?
It made the face of the man who started the company look more wrinkled than it already is. It definitely showed his experience and wisdom shined in his hazel eyes which stared in another pair of same hazels with a strong intensity. If some other person was at receiving end, he or she would have cowered away like a scared puppy, but not the younger Stone in the room. After all he was his grandson. His own flesh and blood. So if the oldest Stone - Henry has decided something for his grandson, he must have thought about it, analysed the situation and then implied on it. He was a man of less words but a wise mind and calm heart. But the younger Stone -Adrien was too furious to even think of it and went to straight yelling at Henry. Why won't he furious, any normal person would have - if they were told to marry a stranger or their hardwork of 9 years would go to drain.


An hour earlier was a normal day for Adrien. He was going through some folders to be signed in his hectic schedule. As usual it was busy in his office. He was a complete workaholic who wouldn't even remember his meals if not for his PA who reminded him. Everything was as usual going but one unusual presence of his grandad was what could make his complete life disrupt.
He was about to close a folder back after signing it someone barged in the office without knocking. He utterly despised when people did that and they generally didn't because everyone was scared shitless of him. So he knew who it could be :
1) Some model who thinks he will fall for her
2) His mom
Or worst 3) his grandad
Worst because his grandad had a habit of entering calmly entering , more like barging without knocking and knocking the complete peace of other person . Last time he did that with his godson who considered him more than a father so Henry's command was oxygen for him. What he didn't knew was that he told him to disown his son. Poor man nearly died of heart attack. The whole family was there and he was literally conducting trial of his godson's son. It was found out he asked so because he knocked some poor waitress and was refusing to take the child's responsibility. The waitress and child were innocent. After a lot of work it was settled. The only thing was how even Henry knew about the child when even the grandson's best friend different know. He is like personal google for latest but unknown scandles and information.

So Adrien braced himself for a shock, except what came was more than a  shock.
"Good morning old man. What's the shock this time?" Adrien asked with an amused face but deep down he knew he was nervous. The great cold hearted Adrien Stone was nervous because of an old man.

"Know Leones , the construction company ? " Henry calmly said in his raspy voice.

"Yeah. Will do anything to satisfy their greed. Dirty businessmen " Adrien said rolling his eyes.
"They have two daughters."

"So? " Adrien raised his eyebrow wondering where is this going.

"Elder daughter Emerson, student, 23 years old, a little younger compared to you, will be your bride in your wedding next week ." Henry calmly stated.
There was a pregnant pause and that ladies and gentlemen was how the chaos erupted.

Adrien though looking calm tried to test the waters, " And if I don't? "
He was presented by a folder in front of him  . He opened it to read it but allnhe culd see was red after that. It stated -
If Adrien Stone , current CEO, Stone Multinational doesn't agree to marry Emerson Leone in the time within next week the whole Stone Multinational would be signed as charity to donation to Govt. of USA and handled by Govt. officials as stated by Mr Henry Stone, current owner, Stone Multinational.

Adrien was fuming would be an understatement .
He finally burst. But Henry only raised an eyebrow. Adrien knew his anger won't do any good. He told deep breaths to calm himself and asked "You won't right? "
Henry has tiniest smirk on his face. Adrien could only ask one thing after seeing this , "Why? "
"I'll deal some business with the Leones. You will have someone to take care. You aren't getting your lad."
Addie waste satisfied with the answer he got.
More like babysitting a spoiled brat that and a gold digger. He though bitter.
"Why would the girl agree to marry me? " He asked instead.
"You are handsome" was Henry's reply. But Henry knew Emerson would be anything but marry him because he is handsome. But he decided to keep low for now. He knew his plan won't backfire.
Adrien thought for some time and finally replied, "I'll marry her. The company will be safe . But the marriage would be low and a secret for now. Only family. "
Henry agreed and left after some time .
Adrien's mind was blank for some time. His company was on stake, and the contact stated he can't divorce . It's possible only in worst case scenario like big treason or domestic violence. Both were impossible to create fake. Domestic violence is already out of window. He can never hurt a female physically. He can't accuse her of big treason because if truth is found, he can go to jail but if he lured this gold digger he can do it. So he would definitely marry her only to make her do something which would breach the contract.
She would definitely fall for it since she is a gold digger. He thought. One more thing there was no statement about cheating. So he didn't have to be loyal to her.
. Adrien tried to remember Leone's daughter and he was suddenly horrified  by the fact that he was marrying that slut. He had seen a girl introduced as their daughter in a party and he couldn't stand that horrific excuse of a girl. She was what we can call a slut, whore, bitch, gold digger and what not. He didn't remember her name, what he didn't knew was Leones had two daughters. The girl wore a skimpy dress which popped her fake tits and ass. And the caked face and too sweet perfume was like cherry on the top. Her fake blond extension were like spider web trying to choke your neck. She was definitely something he can't stand.
Damn you old man, what hell did you chose for me. She definitely won't take my care or make me happy.
He groaned loudly.

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