Chapter 40

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"It needs some more furniture change too from the previous one. But it doesn't require interior change. " Emerson said.

Adrien hummed in response.
They were at the next hotel and touring it, Emerson was taking detailed notes.

"The final decision is discussed with the hotel board. Which hotel to give preference and which to not." He told her.
She nodded.

"Will - will I be coming to that meeting? " She asked hesitantly.

Adrien thought for a second.
"Wanna give presentation on your opinion? " He asked her.

Her eyes lit up.
"Sure." She said, excitement shining in her tone.

Adrien smiled, amused at her reaction .
"Let's have lunch then." He suggested.

She nodded and they went to the restaurant part of the hotel.

Sitting on a table near window, Adrien ordered for both of them, since he knew what is best there.

Emerson sat relaxed on her chair , her fingers tapping the table in a rhythm.
Her stance was too relaxed, but she was thinking about something.
Her one week free from her previous job would end in three days, then how is she going to handle the work load again. It wasn't a problem because she had much time to work since she slept less than normal person and her time management was perfect, but still something was itching her. But what, she didn't knew.

Their order came and it was aan English meal, but Emerson's consisted of only vegetarian dishes.

It smelt good and she dug into it.
Tasting everything like she was the judge of master chef.

"It's good, really good." She complimented.

Adrien smiled.
"The head chef is son of Queen's personal chef, meaning it's their lineage, so he is naturally gifted." He told her.

Emerson rose her eyebrows.
"Queen's chef's family. Wow. " She said in astonishment.

Adrien observed her.
Again, she was least bothered by sitting in a place where only elites of London ate in their pristine clothes and she was just in jeans, blouse and cardigan but it didn't matter to her. A customer giving her nasty look didn't bother her. It was like she turned off the emotion of embarrassment.
Her baby hairs rested on her forehead and her eyelashes fluttered. Her almond shaped eyes looking like some fairy's . Her luscious lips moving.

He heard her sigh.
"You seriously have a staring problem, don't you. The people will think you as a creep if you stare like that." She spoke.

Adrien blinked twice and looked away.
"I was just wondering how it doesn't matter to you that you sit between the elites and prestigious people in simple clothes and it doesn't matter to you." He confessed.

She mumbled something under her breath but he didn't hear it properly.

"What? " He asked her.

She shook her head.
"Clothes doesn't matter. Have you seen the royals of UAE wearing suit even in USA? " She retorted.

He looked confused, not understanding what she means.

She sighed.
"Most of the world started wearing suit to look formal and 'prestigious' but the royals of Gulf countries consider their comfort more. They don't wear suits in the hot climate even if it looks elite. Comfort comes first. Why wear suit if you have to iron it the next time you wear and have to adjust the buttons every time you seat or stand when you can wear jeans and comfortable tee with a warm hoodie over it?" She rambled.

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