Chapter 30

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Adrien returned to the mansion with a determined look and he noticed his guards avoided looking at him which was unusual but he ignored it.

He went inside the mansion and refrained himself from screaming 'Honey I am home!' .
One, he knew Emerson would be at college and two he didn't want his maids and servants to think he is gone mad.

He texted on his phone to Emerson that he is back and scrolled mindlessly.
He entered his room without taking his eyes of phone and suddenly got the feeling he was used to before Emerson.
The way he felt when he used to step in his room in his batchelor life , at that time, it wasn't something but now he felt eery of it making him stop in his tracks.

Not a single book was on the study table or extra pillows on French window. He scanned the room to see only Emerson's thing were not in the place.
He visibly gulped and entered the closet, her clothes and the two unopened boxes which rested on her side of closet were gone.
Dread filled him but he tried to calm himself.

She probably likes her personal space and shifted to another room Adrien no need to panic.

But why will she shift now when she didn't shift when they were complete strangers?

He tried to calm himself.

He called his butler and asked him about Emerson.

"Where is Mrs Stone? " He asked in tone void of emotions.

"Your mom? " The butler asked confused.

It was first time Adrien addressing her like this. So the butler's confusion wasn't a surprise.

"My wife." He asked in an eerily calm tone.

The butler tried to avoid eye contact.
"I don't know." He replied nervously.

"What do you mean by that? " He asked.

"We usually don't know where is she, bu-but... " He stammered hesitating.

"Answer me dammit! " Adrien yelled.

"On Sunday she moved her things with the help of a moving company." He answered in a rush.

"What the hell do you mean by moving company! Fuck! " He cursed loudly making the mansion shake.

He tried calling her but her phone was off.

He took deep breaths and called Mr. Leone.

As soon as Jonah picked up Adrien spoke.

"Mr Leone, I don't have time to exchange pleasantries. So tell me is Emerson there? " He asked in a stoic tone.

"Why would she be here? " He asked confused.

"Nothing, she was telling me about visiting you soon, that's why." Adrien told in a neutral tone.

Jonah sensing trouble in paradise started to act like the snake he is.
"Oh god son, she lied to you, didn't she. I knew she would cheat, that's why we were warning your grandpa to choose Stephanie as your wi-" He was cit off in the middle.

"It's none of your business Mr Leone, so goodbye" He answered coldly and hanged up.

He called Henry,
"Is Emerson with you, old man? " He asked in a hopeful voice.

"Why would she? " Henry asked continuing,
"And hello to you to, I am fine thanks for asking. By the way I am in Mexico from past 3 days."

"Please old man, send me Rose's adress or number." He asked desperately.

"Ok calm down." Henry replied and hanged up.

Second later her adress and number popped on his screen.

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