Chapter 8

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The other 3 Leones though angry with the arrangement, decided to sit in the front row without any care of the world. It was good for their business after all.
The groom was standing there with his best man aka Henry.
The wedding was simple but with very beautiful flower arrangements of lily, pink roses and poppy. It was a seaside wedding as the the backside of the mansion was a beach, which Em was yet to find out .
And nobody except Henry knew it was Em's dream wedding. So he obviously went overboard so that the bride would be satisfied without even uttering a single word about her choice. Heck, even Em was yet to see it.

Emerson was escorted by Liam to the venue door at , which was the door to backyard of mansion. It was to be opened for aisle to altar. The aisle was a gravel path with flower petals spread on it. There was no ring bearer or flower girl.
Penn went first with a small bouquet and ring box in her hand. Em had a beautiful bouquet in her hand which was brought by Penn. She took a deep breath and walked down the aisle.

Adrien noticed the venue was beautifully decorated but didn't comment.
Probably grandad wanted me to see heaven before entering hell.
He didn't even see who attended the ceremony. His gaze was fixed on the sea.
Suddenly he heard slow music. He braced himself for giggling slutty models as bridesmaid but a smiling middle aged lady walked in lavender gown and stood by the left right side of altar. Then he knew he had to sweep his gaze on the guest .
His parents had a bored expression and next to them sat Leone couple with a scowl on their face.
Who pissed in their cereal ?
The girl he thought he would marry was too their with an ugly scowl.
He unknowingly sighed in relief .
Then who am I - holy shit!!

Before he could complete his thought bridal entry music was heard and what he saw made his jaw drop.
Instead of a dyed blond with fake tits and fake tan, there stood a brunnet with soft features and milky skin, looking like an angel straight from a from a fairytale.
Some gasps were heard from the guests too who were close friends and family.
But her gaze was fixed on ground as she walked.
Look up baby.
As if she heard his mind she looked up straight in his hazel eyes. Her chocolate eyes seemingly drowning him. But she suddenly looked down again with a blush coating her cheeks.
How adorable.
But suddenly Adrien realised what he thought and shook it away.
Looks can be deceiving.

Here, Em's breath hitched.  The hazel eyes of her groom were the most beautiful pair she saw. But her shyness rose and she looked down again. She didn't even see the decorations or Henry next to Adrien.
He is beautiful.

Henry smirked internally.
Game on.

Emerson reached the altar and stood next to Adrien. She could feel his intense gaze on her.
The priest started blabbering and Adrien only heard " - as your wife, in health and sickness, for rich or poor, in joy and grief, till death do you apart? "
"I do."
His deep voice soothed her nerves.
Same happened with Adrien when he heard his bride's soft melodic voice.
"I do. "
"Now exchange the rings."

Adrien took her small , soft hand in his and slipped the gold band given by his grandad on her ring finger.
They both could feel tingles where they touched.
Penn handed Adrien's ring to Em.
She took Adrien's large hand in hers and with shaky movements, slipped the ring on.
Adrien could feel her nerves from her touch. But the wrong judgement had to cloud his mind.
Acting innocent much?

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Emerson froze. It wasn't like it would be her first kiss, but even as her husband he was a stranger to her. At least now she knew her husband's surname - Stone.
Definitely sounds familiar.

Adrien smirked and leaned in to peck her cheek. But this action made Em relax visibly confusing Adrien .
Shouldn't she be disappointed. But her cheek was soft, without a single layer of makeup. I wonder how her lips- shut up dumbass.
He shook his thoughts away.
When they turned towards the guest, that was when Em saw there weren't many people, she was thankful. But decorations were too much same to her dream wedding for being a coincidence.She was awestruck, her eyes wide. She felt satisfied. She glanced at her husband and a traitorous tear of happiness escaped her eye. She quickly wiped it away before anyone could see.
Except for the hawk eyes of Henry.

Stealing one glance again at him, there she noticed Henry behind him.
She gasped, "Grandpa Henry? Did my parents invite you? " She asked with a bright smile.
Adrien was confused.
Didn't she know he is my grandad?
This was what confused Henry too. He thought she could join the dots.
Probably she knew the name of her husband just now to comprehend their surnames are same.
Henry shook his head chuckling.
"Sweets, this idiot of my grandson forgot to invite me to his wedding. So I had to attend with your parents invite. "
Adrien was shocked by his grandad's rare carefree behavior.
Emerson was confused. "Grandson? "
She asked . It took her moment to connect everything.
Henry's visit, her parents' anger after his departure, sudden marriage decision, the initials H. S.
She was upset, he was the reason for her marriage. But she masked her feelings. As always.
"Oh " She replied with a look of realisation and a small polite smile on her face.
"The decorations are best. It looks beautiful. " She politely praised.

Suddenly Penn interrupted them by hugging Em tightly.
"Congrats doll. Finally married" She then looked at Adrien and wiggled her eyebrows "didn't know you were marrying the handsom billionaire Adrien Stone. You got yourself best huh? "
Em blushed and looked down mumbling 'even I didn't know ' but Adrien heard her.
Did she really not know?

Adrien's parents came with bored look on their faces and shook hands with Adrien. He knew they would prefer to be at a business meeting of party rather than his wedding. Not that he cared, but deep down they were still his parents. Leones were only intrested in trying to get the Stone's attention. And Stephanie in Adrien's .
Emerson didn't show her sadness and jealousy. She was now practiced in masking her emotions.
What she didn't know was that Adrien was also irritated.
Other guests wished them and went their way. After nearly 2 hours of standing in heels and constantly smiling, Emerson's feet and cheeks were hurting along with her neck from constant nods.
Henry rescued her by deciding it was time for meal at their special table where the whole Stone and Leone family sat. It was filled with Steph trying to flirt, Leones trying to impress Stones and Henry making small talk with Em.
Emerson noticed even the food was her favourite choice. Simple meal.
Mexican nachos as appetizer, Chinese veg noodles , manchurian, red sauce and white sauce pasta, muffins, cupcakes, and cocktails.
It was good.
She was sitting between Henry and Adrien, thankful that her horribly perfumed sister was sitting farthest. But poor Penn was stuck next to her.
After eating, Em changed in her reception dress as Penn fixed her once again, but her hair now in side bun.
She bid her goodbye to Em as she had an appointment with a client.

Adrien was again dumbfounded looking at his 'wife'.
She looked beautiful.
After greeting guest and standing by Adrien's side but never touching him, Em was introduced by Henry. Adrien didn't gave her a single glance.
After the tiring reception and dinner at 7 pm, Henry asked to talk to Em in private.
"Emerson dear, I know it was sudden change, but I trust you. As for your moving in, you will share room with your husband which is obvious. You don't need tondo anything for him. There are maids for his work and meals. Just give this marriage a chance. "

"Yes. I will. Uh... Grandpa, do we live together? "

"No. I live alone in my mansion , my son and his wife in theirs, and now Adrien and you in yours. Now your bag is already in the limo, Liam will escort you. Call me if you need anything. Now bye. "

"Bye Grandpa. Thanks for the beautiful ceremony. Also I'll stop by your mansion tomorrow morning. " She gave him a smile and went with Liam to sit in the limo with her husband .

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