Chapter 4

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HOPE SIGHED AS SHE WATCHED TV. On the tv newscast, Hope read "Category Three" and a satellite of HURRICANE AGATHA. They only had been here a few weeks and there was already a hurricane. That meant electricity problems, and the whole yard was a mess. Thankfully she and her aunts were not normal people, and with magic, everything was almost back to normal. And Hope didn't mind much not having the internet as she could always spend some time painting.

Besides Hope could turn on the light with no problem and replace the not working microwave with her magic. The only thing that annoyed her about the hurricane was that the yard was destroyed. This meant she couldn't wolf out in safety.

Nevertheless, things weren't that bad even if she was still a little homesick from New Orleans. But at the same time, it felt better to be a different new person here. She was watching the tv when Kellin came into the living room holding food in a Tupperware, making Hope frown in confusion.

"I have something to ask you," told her Kellin. "I have to go to work so I don't have time, but could you take these to John B? You remember we meet him last time."

Hope groaned knowing this was certainly Kellin trying to set them up as friends. And as the antisocial that she was she didn't want to. Sure she had fun with them last time, but she felt guilty about it.

"Please Hope, knowing his uncle John B must be taking care of himself all alone. And he's just a kid."

Knowing he was an orphan like herself made her sympathetic. Besides Hope was lucky because she still has a family but from the looks of it, he took care of himself. Besides, it wouldn't hurt anybody to help and it was not like she was going to be his friend afterward. She could continue to ignore him and his friend again as she did since they had fun surfing.

Hope sighed. "Okay, okay I'll do it."

"Thanks, Hope. And if you can help him with the damages of the hurricane. I'm sure it must be a mess there."

"Sure," said Hope softly. "But I'm missing an episode of cutthroat kitchen because of you, you owe me"

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After thirty minutes of the walk, she finally arrived at the address. The hurricane did a lot of mess.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" Hope heard a boy said as she made her way towards them. John B was cleaning a boat, and JJ was drinking a beer in front of the house, on the porch.

"Yeah, she did." answered John B. JJ burps, which made Hope scrunch her nose in disgust. Gross.

"Hi...and of course your not wearing shirts," she mumbled as she noticed the boys were shirtless.

 𝐵𝑅𝑂𝐾𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑀𝑆 𝐶𝐿𝑈𝐵 Where stories live. Discover now