Chapter 15

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HOPE WAS WITH JJ AND POPE. They had gotten something to eat, some fries, hamburgers, and of course Milkshakes. Hope loved Milkshakes. JJ kept repeating he loved her and that she was amazing because she had brought them the food, which made the girl chuckle. You didn't do much to make JJ happy apparently.

After they left the dinner, JJ told them he knew a good hanging-out spot, so the two teens followed him there. It turned out the handing spot was more of a dump because of the storm.

"This is your cool hanging spot?" Hope asked, narrowing her eyes.

"It's not so bad," said JJ, even if the place looked like a dump. "Your kook side is showing Hopey." JJ teased her.

Suddenly, Hope's phone rang. Her aunt Rebekah was calling her, she did frequently. At least one time every day. Hope picked up the face time call. "Hello," she said to her aunt softly.

"How's my favorite niece?" asked her aunt Rebekah over the phone.

"I'm your only niece, Auntie bex. I'm fine, I kinda like it here. It is different from New Orleans."

"Pope!" yelled JJ, as he was rolling a blunt.

"Who's that with you?" her aunt asked curiously.

Hope sighed knowing her aunt and her antics. "Uh, that's my friends."

"You're friends?" exclaimed Rebekah happily. "I didn't know you made some friends, Hope. You didn't tell me. Why don't you show them to me?"

Hope moved the camera of her phone towards the boys. "That's Pope and JJ" she pointed to the boys.

"Hello." both of the boys waving awkwardly to Rebekah.

"Very handsome," noted Rebekah with a knowing look. "Which one is your suitor?" asked her aunt, making Hope go red of embarrassment.

"Aunt Bex! Neither! They are just my friends!" Hope said quickly.

"She was totally checking me out, even said I'm handsome," JJ said proudly to Pope.

"She said we are both handsome," Pope said to JJ.

"Suitor, what does that freaking mean?" whispered JJ confused to Pope.

"Boyfriend." the boy answered simply. Suddenly the pogues heard a vehicle coming their way, they turned around to see John B in the twinkie.

 𝐵𝑅𝑂𝐾𝐸𝑁 𝐷𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑀𝑆 𝐶𝐿𝑈𝐵 Where stories live. Discover now