Chapter 5-3

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I gasped like I took my first breath of life... and then I held it like I was plunged underwater.

That word, that one precious word, eluded me. After all these months, I never thought I'd hear that word directed to my ears. Dragged all over the country in a fake mate search was humiliating on its own. Even when I knew it was bullshit, part of me had still held out hope that I wasn't destined to wander around alone with others' relationships shoved in my face.

And yet, once that word was spoken to me, I was beyond confused.

Umm, at the risk of stating the obvious...

I don't know if it's meant for me?

Not knowing who Theo's monstrous reaction was directed at comprised my first problem. The longer I took in his enraged bull impression, flushed red and snorting breaths, another vein popped out on him. After his neck, tributaries raised under the skin on his biceps.

The second problem was Caleb turned and walked away from me with a disinterested grunt. Taking two steps at a time, he moved so fast that my mouth gaped at the back of his head.

My third, and final, problem was my wolf turned into a scared turtle and snuck into nonexistence.

What the heck Lumi!?

Her only response was a soft, sad whimper, tucking her tail between her legs and slinking back.

After another low growl snapped me out of my thoughts, my eyes tracked Theo's gaze on my right shoulder. If I wasn't tuned into his pupils, then I would've assumed he inspected my neck. But he stood there, hot, violent breaths washing over me, with his eyes not locked on my shoulder, but past it.

Only one eligible bachelorette stood behind me.

Another warm breath washed over my shoulder, this one from behind. Raina whispered affirmation with an 'oh shit' firmness in her voice.


I had one second to get out of Theo's path and I took it with a side step. He was on top of Raina in a blink. Their bodies moved in a blur of grunts and growls. He rushed forward until her back slammed against a wall with a sickening crunch. Her eyes blazed angrily, then flashed blue as Mist surfaced and she growled menacingly. Their lips moved angrily, but the rest of the conversation was between the two of them.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

My hand clamped over my mouth instantly, right before all heads except Theo and Raina's snapped in my direction. My cheeks burned at my outburst and I corrected myself, "I'm sorry. I mean, I... I'm so happy for them."

Every visit, someone in our traveling group had found their mate.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all of them.

I am. It's fine. It's really great.

My history revealed that I never stepped between the Moon Goddess' selections, but felt like I'd dodged a giant, snarling, bulky-muscled bullet here. After Theo's blind rage tackle, I glanced back at Raina to see if she was alright.

A silent gasp passed through my lips and my eyes stretched wider at their reversed positions. She pinned Theo against the wall, her fingers gripped around his throat. Her eyes flashed bright blue and she did all the talking, but his heated gaze dragged over her like he wanted to eat her alive.

Yeah, she'll be fine.

As I turned away from them, my eyes caught sight of Caleb pausing at the top of the steps. His eyes looked down at mine but all he offered was a shake of his head, then turned and walked out of view.

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