Chapter 1-6

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"Ready, Princess?"

Cole's eyes narrowed as they inspected me from head to toe. I didn't need a mirror to see how exhausted I felt. No amount of makeup hid my puffy red eyes and depressed, dark, semi circles under my eyes.

My late night-reading rendered me sleepless, thrashing and sweat-soaked in bed. Horrid mental images of abusive Alphas reeled in my mind until my own throat felt choked.

Giving up on sleep, my feet padded down to the one place where I blew off steam, the gun range. Eight rounds, numb fingers, and ringing ears provided enough reassurance that, if needed, I could whip out a gun.

"Why are we here?" My tired eyes blinked against the blinding morning sun. With cupped hands, I shaded my forehead and cocked my head sideways.

Cole looked as much out of place as us standing outside the front steps of the house. He shifted his weight between his feet, paced a few steps, then shifted his weight and returned. His fingers curled and flicked, straining his forearm, bicep, and shoulder muscles into definition.

After a few repeated rounds and several eye rolls from me, he stilled. Fixating his eyes behind me, his rock-shaped muscles relaxed and his lips curled up.

I turned around and took in Elena's appearance.

At least, I think that's her?

The meek, scholarly bookworm I knew over the past month now radiated like the sunlight. Her hair, normally hiding her face, was tied back in a ponytail. The tied back curls exposed her round cheeks, delicate neck, and slender shoulders. Tight-fitted running clothes accentuated her feminine curves in silent indication that she joined us for exercise.

Her brown eyes sparkled as brightly as the morning sun, sans glasses, at Cole. They glazed over, momentarily, looking at him as if I was a blade of grass.

Is this what mating does to werewolves?

With a gulp, I tried to push the mental image of them having sex together out of my mind. It was too early for me to comprehend where they were in their relationship status.

"Elena?" I glanced back at Cole, who drooled out the sides of his mouth. "Are you joining us for a run?"

"Not any run." He blinked out of his Elena trance, reached out for her hand, then smiled as she placed her palm against his. "Come on."

We walked to the end of the long driveway with birds chirping as the only sound. Correction: I walked, staring at the ground ahead of my steps. The lovebirds stared at each other, broke their gazes apart, then snuck heart-eyed glances out of the corners of their eyes, and full on stared again.

Rinse, repeat.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

If I ever turn into this, then I'll put a silver bullet through my own brain.

Lumi was wary of the happy couple by how she shifted in the corner of my mind. She was not the most talkative with me, but she was always present.

Maybe she feels as overwhelmed with these new experiences as I do.

Her only response was her nose lifted and chuffed.

"I think the coast is clear." Cole glanced around once we came to the edge of the property, and pressed a security code through the gate.

Once it opened, I stepped through and took in... the same grassy, secluded scenery that sat inside the walls. Turning back, Cole and Elena removed their clothes.

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