Chapter 1-4

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The next day... I was still human. At least, I woke up from a deep, dreamless sleep into my normal, human form.

Pun aimed at Elena intended, it was textbook anticlimactic.

So, like usual with my father, I was thrown back into my normal scheduled routine. More specifically, Cole kicked my ass over every inch of those black, squishy floor mats.

Since we established that I was incapable of landing a punch on Cole and he tossed me around like a ragdoll, today he switched to showing me defensive moves. By my constant failure to grasp the concept of removing myself from basic holds, I wasn't any better at defensive than offensive fighting.

"How is this helping?" I asked from my belly-down position on the floor with Cole's knee lodged in the back of my lower back. "How?"

Seriously, this guy moves like a freaking ninja.

"You're holding back, Princess," Cole groaned, leaving his knee pin in place. "Get up."

"You make it sound so easy," I muttered and squirmed against his heavy frame blocking me down. After I managed to roll sideways, I kicked his leg out from under him and rolled onto my side.

"Better," he gruffed out, bounded up to his feet, and gestured for me to stand. "Again."

"Can I please get a fucking br -" I stopped talking when he tensed up, his spine straightening and making him look two inches taller.

His eyes flashed while pools of yellow dripped into his hazel-brown irises, then his pupils dilated until his eyes were solid black. They stared at the entrance door to the gym, and from my angle on the floor, his fists tightened and nostrils flared. A pink flush spread over his not-sweaty face.

An internal urge of awareness swelled inside me,like I should have recognized what his shifted reactions meant. But since I witnessed this reaction from Cole - heartless, emotionless, reactionless, feeling-less Cole - I didn't have a clue what was happening here.


He ignored me, his eyes flashing to a bright cobalt blue and glowing like a ring light. The muscles and veins from his wrists to his shoulders tensed, his lips parted, and I swore a low growl rumbled in the back of his throat.


I swiveled my head in the direction he stared. My eyes widened at the most non-threatening, small, feminine figure.


She stood in the doorway, hugging a handful of books to her chest. Her hair was tied into a messy bun at the nape of her neck but soft, stray brown curls framed her face. She shifted uncomfortably in her stance and leaned into the door frame as if she drew strength from it to stand.

Her brown eyes were frozen and stared back at him the way I looked at chocolate donuts.

"What the -" Words escaped me when the blur previously known as Cole moved.

In a blink, he was inches from Elena. His large, muscular frame leaned over her small body and he placed his palms on either side of the door frame, caging himself around her. Then he leaned over, placed his nose against the crook of her neck, and inhaled deeply. Instead of a shocked, gut-wrenching, 'what are you doing!?' reaction that I felt in my stomach, I watched as she enjoyed the exchange.

Wait... she... is enjoying this?

Elena's cheeks flushed pink, her eyes fluttered closed, and her lips parted. Between the seam, soft, melodic giggles escaped. She shifted her head, tipping up her chin like she gave him more access and welcomed him to repeat the odd, animalistic behavior.

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