Chapter 3-3

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I woke up more numb than when I passed out.

A sharp ringing muffled the sounds in my ears, but my sense of hearing came back long before my sight. More undetermined time passed before I recognized coherent thoughts.

What happened? Where am I?

I heard muffled voices, including Lumi's, but couldn't make out any discernible words. My eyelids were too heavy to lift and the rest of my body felt heavy and numb.

After several breaths, the ringing subsided enough that I made out some of what they said. Surrounded in blackness, none of the words sounded good.

"Gosh, there's so much blood. Will she be okay?"

"I don't know, Elena. She's lost a lot."

"Her lips are so pale, and blue. That's not good. Hold on, Flower." I recognized Raina's voice, not for the tone but that stupid nickname.

Cracked and dry, my lips parted. They felt swollen and even a small twitch took effort.

"I think she's stirring."


A contact weighed down on the top of my head.



I still couldn't see anything, but he continued, "Hang on Zara, we're almost there. Twenty more minutes."

"Zara," Elena's voice shook and she sniffled. "I-It'll... be... Cole contacted Alpha Stephen. Luna Rashida is taking you straight to their healers in the infirmary."

My jaw aching, my mouth rounded and twitched, but no sound passed out. The ringing returned and my hearing slipped away. Only Lumi knew what I meant.

Can I please enter one of the territories normally?

Can I please enter one of the territories normally?

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"Ahh, there you are, Miss Zara."

A sweet, gentle voice flowed into my ears. It caressed my skin like soothing lotion and released an exhale between my lips.

My limbs sagged like my veins were pumped full of silver, I stirred slowly. Strain pulled on my wrists as I flicked my fingers and curled them in. Swollen, my heavy-lidded eyes fluttered, brushing my lashes over my cheeks. Squeezing my eyebrows together increased the pounding sensation vibrating my skull.

With a flick, I wet the cracks of my dry lips and folded them under. A sting erupted as they split open, exposing the skin with a sting. Dryness choked my mouth and throat, like I stuffed cotton balls in them.

Drawing in a breath pushed my chest into a soft surface. A strong antiseptic smell filled my nose, twitching my nostrils.

"Zara..." A gentle tap danced over my left shoulder. "You need to wake up. It's been two days."

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