Todoroki and Izuku

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Izuku stared at his red shoes as he walked, occasionally glancing up to look at his surroundings. The shoes were specially designed for quirkless people, considering that they had an extra foot joint. It was small, but it was still large enough for discomfort and apparently, someone sued the company when they bought the wrong shoes. So, the shoe companies decided to separate the two types of shoes, with quirked people with black shoe soles and quirkless with white shoe soles. 

He was wearing a hoodie and because he wasn't actually part of UA, Nezu had let him wear whatever he wanted. His hands were inside the large hoodie pocket at the front of the hoodie, fiddling with a lock and a straightened paper clip, unlocking and locking the lock over and over and over again. 

His lessons were done for the morning and Nezu had let him explore the school a bit. None of the students should be out, considering that it was lesson time for them still. 

As he walked, he listened to the clink-clank of the things in his pocket. Suddenly, someone walked into him as he turned the corner. 

The two hit heads and fell to the floor. 

"Ow..." Izuku muttered as he rubbed his head and looked up.

Oh flip, it was the half'n'half boy. And he was staring at Izuku with wide eyes.

Todoroki POV

Todoroki held the papers in hand as he went to deliver them to Class 1c. He really didn't know why he had to and why Class 1c was getting involved with it, but he didn't really care. Then, he heard a faint clinking noise. 

Looking around, he walked a bit faster. What was that noise? It couldn't be a villain break-in, right?

As he turned around the corner, he bumped into something. Falling down, he held his head as the something said, "Ow..."

Huh. Guess it was a person. 

Todoroki looked up to say sorry when he noticed a familiar mop of green hair and freckles.

Midoriya Izuku's emerald eyes looked up to meet his wide, heterochromatic eyes. 

Oh fuck.

Bakugou POV

Bakugou stared at the teacher who looked dead inside in front of him. Well, more like stared at him in boredom as Cement Block said some shitty thing about this Shakespeare guy. 

Why the fuck were they still learning this? Wasn't the guy already fucking dead for several centuries and over a millennium? 

His eyes glanced to the door where Icyhot had disappeared from. 

He didn't have any good fucking feeling about this.

Izuku POV

Oh shoot. Oh shoot. What the hell was he supposed to do. Why was even this boy here?  

Oh wait a second, he must go to UA. Izuku mentally facepalmed himself.

Izuku stood up and held out his hand. Todoroki stared at it before grabbing it and standing up. 

"So, um..." Todoroki began before trailing off. The two stood in silence for a few seconds before Izuku quickly went past Todoroki, leaving Todoroki to his thoughts.


Oh shoot. Oh shoot. Why did he do that?!?

Izuku was freaking out in his head as he rushed through the hallways. Did he offend whoever that person was?

It was rather funny, considering how many times Izuku had seen that boy and yet he didn't know his name. 

He stopped abruptly and looked around. Oh shoot, where was he even?

His hands immediately went into his hoodie pocket and fiddled with the items  in it. Observing his surroundings, he looked a bit ahead to see a door. Walking to it, he peered into the class in it. 

A hero he recognized as Vlad King was teaching in the classroom with a class of twenty. Izuku's hand dug into his pants pocket to pull out a piece of paper with a detailed map on it.

Looking at the map, he then spent the rest of his free period trying to figure out how to get back to Nezu's office.

Todoroki POV

Todoroki whipped his head around to stare at the quickly retreating back of the boy Uraraka had claimed that he had a 'crush' on. 

Was it love?

Was it familiarity?

Was it even love? 

What in the world was it?

Todoroki bit the sides of his inner cheeks as his mind tried to make sense of the mess that Midoriya Izuku had given him. 

Todoroki watched as Midoriya Izuku raced around the corner and out of sight.

It was only a few moments after the green headed boy had disappeared around a corner that Todoroki snapped out of his thoughts to look at the papers still in hand. Dusting the nonexistent dust off his pants, he continued to walk down the hallway. 

He ended up taking ten minutes to deliver the paper and back, even when the entire trip should've taken a lot less than that. When he got back, Bakugou glared at him.

Oh great, what on earth did he do to make him mad?

Bakugou POV

Bakugou glanced suspiciously at Icyhot. Fucking hell, how the fuck did it take him over fifteen shitty minutes to deliver some random ass paper?

His hands were so fucking sweaty and it was annoying the fuck out of him. Bakugou wiped it on his pants as he looked around the room and cursed under his breathe. 

"Ahem. Bakugou."

Bakugou turned to look at the living concrete brick in front of him. 

"Would you like to answer this question?" he asked, using a chalk to point at a question on the board. 

'Name two different reasons why Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers.'

Bakugou eyed the question. Fucking how the hell's Shakespeare even fucking modern literature? Which just so happened to be this class?

"I am required to teach you this as foundation, now please answer the question."

Bakugou blinked a couple of times. Oh shit, did he say that out loud?

"Yes, you did, now answer."

He rolled his eyes and began to answer. "This guy's famous because people liked his writing since it wasn't as shitty as they thought it would be and appealed to both nobles and commoners. We can still fucking relate to this guy and he created a whole shit ton of phrases we use."

Concrete nodded as he continued on with his lesson.

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