Chapter 9 - Crazy Butter Roll

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The weekend blew by so quickly. I loved spending time with Cass and Alek, I also have to admit that the kid rubbed off on me. He is so cute, but a little demon. He can practically get whatever he wants wit his puppy pout, which Cass says she didn't teach him. At one point, Lucas even almost said my name. Except instead of it souding like Roni (Ron-e) It sounded more like Row-knee (Like peperoni.). It was still cute that he tried.

When we get to school on Monday, I feel sort of refreshed. The weekend has given my wounds time to heal. The bruises on my arms are practically invisible, and the ones on my wrists have faded by alot, but are still tinted a little green. I was able to wear a short sleeve shirt, but I still had to keep my braceletes on.

I step out of Cass's car and immediatly want to jump back in. Not only is Roxas parked right next to us and keeps looking over at me - but my brother is approaching the car with amazing speed. I look over at Cass for some help, but she quickly shakes her head. She is scared of Lexi, she let me know that the other day when we were talking. And Lexi is standing right next to my brother, if they were any closer it would form into one person. Alek leans against the car, watching the transaction. I've also learned that Alek loves to know all the gossip and he is absolutely nosy with anything that doesn't involve himself and Cassy. And, apparently my life is the most interesting thing in school right now - with my popular, handsome, football captain brother and the mysterious, loner, hot and sexy Roxas - I'm apparently a 'God' as they wont let me forget.

"Roni." Denton approaches me and holds my hand. "We need to talk."

"Don't you think you did enough of that on Friday?" I tilt my head to the side, letting my bangs fall over my eyes. "I'm done talking and I'm done listening."

"Done listening?" Denton scoffs. "You haven't listened to me from the very start."

"And I will keep it that way."

He squeezes my wrist tighter and I flinch, of course it would be that wrist. What's with everyone and trying to hurt my wrist. I pull my arm away and storm off into the school, I notice that Roxas pushes off his bike and follows me and I hear my brother let out a string of curses. I don't know if it's because he failed to talk to me again, or if it's because he knows that I'm still very much talking to Roxas. Either way, I don't care.

Roxas doesn't speak as I go to my locker, I open it and throw my overnight bag inside and slam it shut with enough force to knock a sumo wrestler off his feet. Roxas leans against the locker next to mine, studying my face.

"You had a black eye too?" it was more of a confirmation then a question, but I still nod at him. It's not as dark anymore, it barely looks like a bruise anywhere but the top of my cheek. I thought I'd be able to get away with not concealing it. Apparently it was fine until now. Nobody but Roxas noticed, Roxas was the only one who actually studied me hard enough. I guess it was because of the bruised wrists that he even needs to study me.

"Are you going to tell me who did it?" He asks, quietly.

"Nope." I pop the 'p', making it sound like it isn't really that big of a deal. Even though it is. I'm ashamed of it, ashamed that even though I act strong and that apparently in Denton's eyes, I'm 'independant' that I still need help. That I need to be saved. That I'm absolutely scared to go home today. I don't want Roxas to know, to find out and realize how useless I really am - or to think I'm dirty and disgusting.

He drops the subject, but I know that it wont be for long. I know that he is going to keep bringing it up until he finds out. I guess I like the fact that he is interested in finding out, maybe he wants to save me. Or maybe he is like Alek and he is just nosy. Either way, it doesn't matter, because I wont tell him.

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