5. A Situation

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Y: 'Oh shit what about them'

A: 'Their standing infront of Josh's car, waiting for you'

I stop and the boys keep walking.

Y: 'Your fucking joking, have they done anything?!'

A: 'No, no the cars fine, I think, trust me, this ain't gonna go down well'

The boys stop and look at you and I sigh.

Y: 'Thanks for letting me know, at least we didnt get outside and were welcomed to that'

A: 'Its fine, see you tomorrow'

Y: 'Yeah, bye'

I end the call and sigh again.

Y: 'No easy way of saying this but, my parents are stood infront fo your car Luke, waiting for me'

Luke looks as if hes about to stab someone.

Y: 'Ashley tipped me off'

M: 'What's going on?'

L: 'Its her parents, they are stood infront of my car waiting for Blair'

C: 'You could wait in school, and I could watch them and tell you when they are gone'

I shake my head.

Y: 'No, no that wouldn't work but thanks Corey. They know its Luke's car and they know that he wouldnt leave it'

L: 'I could go outside and stab them'

Y: 'Now that is a good idea'

We all laugh.

L: 'Michael, can you go with Corey and wait with him while I try sort out Blairs demonic parents?'

C: 'I wont duck tape you, I promise'

Michael giggles and nods.

L: 'Right cmon Blair, let's go see these mother fuckers. Corey I'll call you to bring Michael to my car, dont want him involved'

C: 'Sure man, cmon little dude'

Michael giggles at the name and they walk off down the corridor. Me and Luke go a different way and we see Ashley with her friends on the way out.

Y: 'Thanks Ashley,'

A: 'We will stay here, just incase Luke trys to swing for them'

L: 'I mean, we all know that's gonna happen'

We all giggle and I smile at the girls. I recognise them immediately as Imogen (pronounced i-m-wrong) Whitehall, Cassie Sanders, Lizzie Bracksworth and Layla Hedgemom.

L: 'Right, pretend like we dont know they are there'

I nod and we walk over to the car.

Y: 'What do you two want now'

M: 'Why are you so late out of school!? It finished 10 minutes ago!'

Y: 'Had to talk to a teacher, like it's any of your business'

M: 'I'm your mom for Gods sake, get it into that thick head of yours-'

L: 'Oi, stop speaking to her like shes nothing, at least treat her with a little respect'

M: 'Like you know anything about respect Luke'

Y: 'I know it goes both ways and Trust me, I have a decent bond with my parents'

M: 'Your the definition of a man-whore Luke,'

Y: 'Dont you DARE call him that, just cause he sleeps with girls doenst mean you can call him a whore'

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