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Sebastian and the others found themselves in  the Eldenarian Council room for the second time in a few days. However,  this time it wasn't for an emergency meeting.

This time, they were finally doing something to combat the Order of the Black Lotus.

The  seven of them—Sebastian, Imogen, Ajax, Siren, Remy, Chieftain Naidini,  and Olivier himself—were circled around the table in the center of the  room. The orb of eldricite built into the black granite pulsed faintly  with white light.

"So," Imogen said, breaking the silence filling the cavernous room like thick smoke, "how does this whole thing work."


Olivier was cut off by his son, who raised his hand. The man pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, Remy?"

"I'll answer this one if you don't mind."

His father tiredly gestured for him to continue.

Smiling,  Remy turned to Imogen. Unbeknownst to him, he had just successfully  annoyed everyone else in the room. Sebastian was often impressed by his  sheer knowledge and photographic-like memory when it came to anything  magic-related.

This was not one of those times.

"Eldricite is like gold to us," the boy explained. "Not only is it rare, but it serves a variety of purposes. Our vayrirs are even made out of it."

Imogen blinked at him. "Wait, they are? Those weapons you guys make out of thin air are made out of that stuff?"

"He's  half-right. Our vayrirs are a combination of our souls and a physical,  tangible element," Siren answered. "But, in short, yes it's made out of  elricite."

Imogen nodded slowly.

"Anyways,"  Remy continued, "eldricite. It's got a lot of purposes. One of them  includes taking in vitalae and storing it for future use." He leaned  over the table and patted the large orb of magical material. "It may not  look like it, but this is a lot of eldricite. Once my dad performs the  spell, he'll be able to use his energy and the energy stored inside to  broadcast a message to whoever he wants it to reach."

"Well, that's convenient," Imogen said.


Sebastian  resisted the urge to curl into a ball and fall asleep on the floor.  "Thank you for the lesson, Professor Remy. Can we get this going now?"

"Let's,"  Olivier said. The man approached the center of the table. He placed  both palms on the orb of eldricite and closed his eyes. His lips moved  rapidly as he mumbled an incantation. The mark in his right hand shone  with golden light. The bright rays bled into the stone beneath his  hands. Shards of golden, translucent rays shot out from all angles,  illuminating with room in the process.

Sebastian could feel the warmth on his face as magic filled the room. His eyes widened at the spectacle before him.

"Wow," Imogen said, awestricken.

Olivier  smiled and removed his hands from the orb. It maintained its bright  glow. His hand fished into the pocket of his pants. Moments later, he  retrieved a folded piece of parchment—which likely held the contents of  the speech he was about to give. He unfolded the paper and scanned it  once, then twice.

Out the corner of his eye,  Sebastian noticed Imogen staring intensely at the man. Her hazel eyes  were narrowed and her lips were slightly puckered. He arched an eyebrow.

Olivier stepped back up to the orb of eldricite, ready to deliver his message to the Solair communities of the world.

Sebastian  shifted his weight onto his other foot. An unexplainable feeling of  nervousness flooded into him as if a dam had broken.

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now