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The inside of the vehicle was just as dark as the dream Sebastian awoke from. Pale light from the moon outside poured through the long, horizontal windows built into the walls on either side of him. They were driving down a road framed by snow-covered pine trees. Mountains loomed in the distance, peeking just over the hazy horizon. Through the glass, he spotted a few of the vehicles barreling down the road ahead of them. The rest of the convoy rode behind, securing the rear.

It had been midday when Sebastian dozed off. Judging by the moon's position and the midnight hue of the sky, they were well into the night.

Rubbing his eyes, he sat up in his seat. A dull ache echoed from his neck to his lower back. Grumbling, he massaged the sore muscles. Falling asleep in a metal chair probably wasn't the smartest idea. He should've moved on to one of the sofas.

Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he noticed there was no one in the compartment with him. He furrowed his brow before carefully standing up. The floor rumbled beneath his feet, moving with the massive wheels rolling underneath the vehicle's metal frame. Dorian was no longer lounging on the ground anymore. The werewolf was nowhere to be found. Imogen and Jocasta were missing as well.

The hairs on his arms and the base of his neck rose in anticipation. Was this another dream? Had Mauvorin somehow invaded his psyche again?

Before his mind could run riot with more conspiracies, a series of whispers coming from the lone bedroom tucked away in the back of the compartment reached his ears. His shoulders relaxed and he exhaled upon recognizing the voices. Imogen and Jocasta. Their hushed conversation escaped through the crack in the door.

Sebastian tilted his head at the room. He couldn't see either of them, as the door didn't have a window.

What are they talking about?

Normally, he wouldn't have cared. But seeing as how he had no one to talk to and was wide-awake after his nap, he figured some eavesdropping wouldn't hurt.

Tiptoeing along the carpet, he approached the door and pressed his ear to the polished wood.

"—does he know?"

"Not yet."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"I haven't spoken to your father in years, Imogen."

"That makes two of us."

A silence passed between the two women.

Sebastian blinked rapidly as he realized the subject of their conversation. He recalled the time Imogen revealed her story to him. She, too, was plagued with trauma and sorrow. Not only did she lose her mother to the Arkangels, but her father abandoned her, leaving her alone in a psych ward after she had a mental breakdown. The immense feeling of loneliness that must've caused... It was a miracle she hadn't lost her mind for real.

"You know he left me?" Imogen eventually said. "I know this means nothing to you, but losing my mother broke me. It broke both of us."

Jocasta paused. "We had to take precautions."

"You could've left us alone."

The woman scoffed. "I don't think you're understanding the gravity of what your parents did. Your father fell in love with a magician. A solair, yes, but still a magician. What if she convinced him to give up our secrets? What if we were attacked? I couldn't allow that to happen. I'm sorry, but I won't apologize for protecting my people."

"My mom was a good woman. A kind woman. She didn't....she didn't deserve to die because you were afraid."

"Imogen, we have rules. Your father knew what happened by breaking them."

The Storm Tower | Vol.4, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now