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Sitting in the corner of your room, you could hear yourself breathing heavily. All of your windows were covered and the door was locked. You were terrified of what waited for you outside. Everyone you knew was dead. He killed them all. You knew going to the gym was a bad idea, look where it got you.

Wrapping a blanket around yourself, you starred at the door in paranoia. You knew he'd be here any minute now. You had a knife with you for when he did eventually come around. You'd stab him and then it'd all be over.

The sound of light knocking made you look towards your door. Gripping the knife, you waited for him to do or say something.

"I know you're in there (Y/N), just open the door." You heard the greenette say from the other side.

"No, go away. I don't want you here." You answered, taking the blue-colored blanket off of yourself, preparing for the worst.

"Open the door." He demanded, a little harsher now.

"N-no." You managed to stutter out.

You watched as the door caved inwards as he kicked it down to reveal the insane green male. Clutching the knife, you lunged at him. You brought the sharp object down quickly into his chest. He stumbled back a bit in surprise before regaining his footing. You felt him grab the back of your shirt as he threw you off of him and into a corner in your room.

"You think that'd kill me?" He asked as he pulled the knife out. "I've been cut with much worse." He sadistically grinned, slowly approaching you. "I thought we could do this peacefully, but you had to try something like that. Too bad for you, I'm armed now." His smile widened as he held up the now bloodied knife. 

You felt your body shaking as he came closer to you. You pushed yourself further into the corner until there was no more room to go back. You were stuck with this psychotic man. 

"Don't be scared," He cooed, "If you just come with me I won't hurt you."

"I-I don't understand." 

"Don't understand what, baby?" He asked, squatting down so he was face to face with your shivering form. 

"J-Just leave me alone." 

"No can do, any other requests?" 

"Why d-didn't the knife work?" You trembled, your only escape from this hell was just ripped away from you in a matter of seconds. 

"I'm a strong guy. I'll be able to protect you if you just follow me."

"Protect me from what?"

"Who knows. Anyone might be out there trying to hurt you. I won't let them though, no one will be able to hurt you if you're with me." He explained, reaching out to grab your hand and pull you into his chest. You could feel his warm blood on his shirt from when you stabbed him. You stabbed him and all he was trying to do was protect you. How selfish. Wrapping your arms around his torso you whispered an apology.

"It's fine, just don't do it again ok?" He consoled, rubbing your back as he carried you away to a place no one would find you. All you could do was cling to him, he was the only person left who cared for you.


Oop sorry if I made Zoro too OOC I promise I tried :P

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