Whitebeard Pirates

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Whitebeard Pirates x Child!Reader

"There you are! I've been looking for you, kiddo~" You heard Ace say from behind you. "I couldn't find you earlier and was starting to get a little worried."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya." You responded,  looking up at the taller man. It's been a couple of weeks since you were kidnapped by these pirates. You enjoyed hanging out with them, they all treated you so well, but the idea of being around known murderers made you a bit weary. 

"It's fine, I'm just glad I found you!" He said, smiling down at you. "Hey! Your birthday's coming up, right? I know a couple of people who want to give you a few things."

"Really!" You exclaimed, excited at the idea of getting presents.

"Yeah, follow me." He told you, holding out his hand for you to take. You quickly did so and followed him as he started to guide you in the direction of the mast. 

You didn't really understand why these infamous criminals wanted to spoil some random kid they found, it made you a little uneasy to think about. You were just happy that they didn't seem on planning or wanting to harm you.

"Hey, there tiny," Jozu greeted once he saw you and Ace approaching, "I've got a little something here for you." He said as he held up a small blue box. 

"What is it?" You inquired, running up to the large man and taking the tiny box from his hands. You ripped it open to reveal a pretty white bracelet that sparkled when you held it up to the sun. You didn't hesitate to put it on.

"Is that the one with the tracker in it?" You overheard Ace as he whispered to the other male.

"Yeah, it is."

"What is?" You questioned, confused about what they were discussing. 

"It's nothing you need to worry about, angel." Ace told you, ruffling your hair. "Are you hungry? I heard Thatch made a special meal for  you." You smiled at that, completely forgetting about the strange conversation beforehand, you quickly ran off to the kitchen to find Thatch.

"Thatch!" You yelled as you burst through the kitchen doors, "What did you make? Ace says it's something good!"

"Oh yes, I'm sure you'll love it!" The brunette called back to you. "Just sit down at one of the tables, I'll be out with it in a minute."

You quickly went to go sit down, swinging your legs back and forth under the table in anticipation of what Thatch was preparing for you. Ace followed behind, sitting down next to you at the long table.

"Lemme see your bracelet." Ace said,

"Sure." You replied, holding out your wrist for the man to see.

"Wow, lucky you, that's such a nice piece of jewelry, Jozu would never get me one."

"Don't worry, I'll get one for you for your birthday."

"Awe, thanks, sweetie." The raven-haired man said as he rested his head in his hand.

"Here you are." You looked up to see Thatch placing a plate full of your favorite food on it.

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