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You were a thief and he was a marine. Different in every way. Although, many would assume you were the villain and not the victim in this situation. You only wished people saw things how you did, then maybe you'd be able to get your little brother out of the slums and into better living conditions. And maybe you wouldn't have been framed for a murder. 

You panted heavily, running as smoke started to surround you. You thought the dim lighting of the alleyway would be to your advantage but it instead made you slower and easier to catch. Exactly like he wanted.

"There's nowhere else to go. Just stop running." His voice rasped behind you. The smoke had started to cover most of your vision, only being able to see the cobbled ground and the night sky. 

"I don't want to go to jail." You called out to him, where ever he was. You looked around quickly, nervous that he might strike you. He could make your death look like an accident if he really wanted.

"Oh, I'm not taking you to jail." The tone he used made a chill go up your spine as you were now certain he was going to murder you. 

The smoke started to close in around you, picking you up and holding you in the air. You kicked and clawed at it, begging that it'd let you free, but you couldn't touch it. You were stuck. 

You heard a light chuckle from him as he watched you struggle, "How much do you care about your brother?" He asked as he finally stepped into view, the smoke clearing a little as it seemed more focused on keeping you still than blinding you.

"I don't have a brother." You lied, hoping he wasn't planning on killing him as well.

"Im pretty sure I'd know if you lived alone."

"Are you stupid? You got the wrong person. I think I'd remember living with someone." You didn't like the way he said that. It felt as if he knew more than he was letting on.

"Watch yourself girlie, you're in a bad spot to be insulting me." He said, taking a drag from his cigar before continuing, "Unless you want to find your brother in a ditch I suggest you drop it." 

"Smoker! Did you get them?" Tashigi asked as she peered into the alleyway where the two of you were. The gray-haired man glanced at you, annoyed he'd been caught, before shrouding you in smoke once again. 

"No, keep looking around the town, I'm going to check the surrounding area." He responded.

"Yes sir!" You heard her say, "If you don't mind me asking, who were you talking to? And why are you covering this place up with smoke? What's back there?" 

He didn't say anything. Instead, you heard his footsteps slowly approaching his assistant. 

"Captain?" The poor swordswomans voice sounded so confused, she was oblivious to what was going to happen to her, but you had an idea. Everyone had a blind sense of trust in the marine, you were one of the very few that saw through his facade. 

You flinched when you heard her scream echoing around the brick walls of the small alley. You couldn't see what was happening, but you could guess. You heard her quiet cries and pleds to stop before it went silent. When the smoke finally cleared you were met with the a lifeless Tashigi and Smoker with a blood covered jitte in his hand. He'd beaten her to death with his dull weapon. 

"It's a shame she got curious, I kinda liked her company." He admitted, placed his jitte back into it's sheath, and grabbing you wrist with a firm gentleness. "C'mon, we better get going." 

"To where?" You asked, to shocked and afraid to try and escape. 

"Somewhere safe." 

You couldn't leave him now. You'd been framed for the death of Tashigi, and your brothers life was on the line. The ship you were on rocked with the waves as you were taken away from the town you knew so well and to his base on an island that wasn't known to many. 

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