Red-Haired Pirates

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The ocean calmly moved as the moon slowly went below the water. It was early in the morning, the only reason you had woken up so early was so you could escape as soon as possible. The ship would be docking on an island any minute now and you weren't going to waste this opportunity to get help.

"Oh ho! I was gonna let ya sleep in." Shanks said as he walked over to stand beside you, resting his only arm on the sword that hung off of his belt. "You excited to see this island?"

You nodded, "Yeah, it's been a while since I stood on the actual ground, I'm starting to get seasick." You responded, glancing up at the tall man.

It took you a couple of weeks but you had finally gained the crews' trust, you hoped you didn't mess this up otherwise it'd probably take a long time to earn it back, you definitely didn't want to go through all that trouble again.

"Well, you know what's happening on this island don't you?" He asked, continuing when he saw your questioning gaze, "The townspeople are going to have a festival, you and I can walk around the town for a bit. Wouldn't you just want to hang out with me for the day?" He asked, throwing his arm around your shoulder in a harsh grasp. You weren't sure he knew his own strength at times, or maybe it was his way of subtly trapping you in one place.

"Sure, you and I can explore the town." If you were going to get out of this you had to be smart, you couldn't get him angry it would only cause him to be possessive, and that was the last thing you needed if you were to escape.

"Well then, you tell me when your ready, ok dear? We can go whenever you'd like." He told you, gently holding your chin as he looked into your eyes lovingly. His hold on your shoulders had weakened at this point. If he had squeezed any harder you were certain it'd leave a bruise.

"Lemme get my jacket and then we can head out." You said, "We can go before everyone else wakes up."

You had an alright plan on how to leave. You'd go out into town with whoever in the crew woke up first, then you'd run. One was easier to manage than four. Hopefully, you'd be able to carry it out, it was too early in the morning to tell, though.

You felt an overwhelming amount of relief as you stepped off the ship and onto the ground. I guess you never realized how much you missed flat ground, to you it was better than the constant rocking of the ship.

"Sooo, where do ya wanna go first?" Shanks asked, adjusting the sleeve on his non-existent arm.

"Wherever you want to go, I don't care." The location didn't particularly matter for your plan to work, or at least you hoped it didn't, you hadn't really thought about it.

"Awee, aren't you thoughtful~ How about we go get food first, I'm always starving in the morning."

You supposed a cafe wasn't so bad, you weren't particularly hungry, but you hoped that it'd give you the chance to look out for a marine or someone else in authority.

A light chime could be heard as Shanks so courteously opened the glass door for you to step inside. The place was clean and neat, it looked as you'd expect any coffee shop too, with booths near the large windows and a counter where the barista was talking to the bartender.

"Fancy seeing you two here," Yasopp called from one of the booths as he took a swig of what you assumed was alcohol from the strong smell. You didn't even know Cafe's sold alcohol.

"You're awake?" You were shocked, to say the least, he either snuck past you or woke up earlier than you, either way, it kinda ruined your plan and you wished you had picked a different location to visit.

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