My Ex

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A few years back I was dating this girl. She told me her parents house was haunted. Skeptical as I was, I thought she was playing with me.

Then, she told me that she had an evil 2nd persona who would sometimes take over her body and damage her physically. She would wake up bleeding, totally oblivious of how she got those cuts and what just happened. I thought this was just her way of trying to get attention and help.

I didn't really believe her story, although I tried to help and comfort her in anyway I could.

All of that changed when I started sleeping over, because strange things would almost always occur at night. These experiences all occurred when my ex and me (and usually the dog) were alone in the house.

It started with her laptop randomly turning on in the middle of the night and actually logging into my ex's account.

Shortly after, I started to hear things as well. Footsteps coming from the ceiling/roof, right above the bed we slept in. Not a ticking sound like a mouse makes, but actual ‘thuds’. Like a human was casually walking circles on the roof.

A few days after, I heard a dog barking downstairs. The family dog was a boxer, but I heard a high pitched ‘arf’, instead of a low ‘ruff’. I went downstairs but saw nothing special. The boxer was sleeping peacefully in his kennel in the kitchen.

I returned to the bedroom and saw my ex in bed, sitting up straight and with both arms bleeding.

I had seen with fresh wounds before so that was nothing new for me. Really sad to see, but nothing new. What startled me to death is that she had her eyes closed like she was still sleeping, but her mouth was widen open as if she was screaming her lungs out. But she wasn't. Needless to say I didn't sleep anymore that night.

A few nights later we were in bed sleeping together again, and woke up to my ex trying to climb over me, mumbling “break.. Glass”

As the situations in that house were starting to freak me out, I felt the urge to protect myself. I grabbed my ex by the shoulders and yelled “What are you, or whoever else, trying to do?”

My ex woke up, but a second we heard a loud ‘tack’ and the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen.

I went downstairs to look and saw the locked cupboard wide open, and on the floor shards of what used to be 2 longdrink glasses. Cleaned up the mess, walked back upstairs and found my ex sleeping as if nothing had happened.

Once something strange happened in the middle of the day. We were upstairs in my ex's bedroom and her father was working in the garage.

Nobody else was home, and we wanted to get physical. We made sure the bedroom door was closed, closed the windows and went down on each other. In the heat of the moment (pun intended) the door flew open hard, as if someone kicked it in.
Except there was nobody there. I do remember feeling a slight breeze and the next moment her bedroom window shattered into pieces. That kinda killed the mood to be honest.

Shortly after, we broke up and some strange things happened to me but, nothing like this.

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