The Kiss

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When I was a freshman in college I was going through my first major bout of depression. I was crying myself to sleep most nights and during the day I would go to class and then immediately go back to my dorm and sleep.

One particularly rough day I went down for a nap and when I was almost asleep I heard someone open my dorm room door. Not unusual because my friends on my floor would visit.

However, then I heard someone approach my bed and I figured it was a friend and just continued to sleep, assuming they’d figure it out. Then I felt the softest, most gentle kiss on my forehead.

In a sleepy stupor I smiled and immediately nodded off.

When I woke up I snapped back into reality and immediately went to all my friends in my dorm and said “Okay guys very funny! Who kissed me?”

No one had any idea what I was talking about. Looking back now I really think it was a ghost watching over me and comforting me in my time of need.

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