Prettiest Girl In The Class

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She was the prettiest girl in the class, but of course she never heard that from me. I was obsessed with her. I’d steal glances at her every chance I got.

During class when I was supposed to be taking notes, on the train we rode after school.

But today I wanted to do more. I hopped off the train when she got off and followed her out of the station and onto the sidewalk.

I made sure to keep my distance.

I wanted to surprise her.

It was pretty hard staying within a good distance of her, though. She kept taking furtive glances back, and I looked down at my phone or pretended to tie my shoe every time she would.

When she unlocked the door and stepped inside her house, I crept to the front stairs. My heart pounded as I rang the doorbell.

A chime sounded from inside and awoke the butterflies in my stomach. Just as I reached again for the doorbell, she opened the door ajar and, recognizing my face, gestured for me to hurry in, promptly closing the door behind me.

“There was a guy," she paused, “There was a guy following...”

“Yeah, it was me.” The words came out of my mouth before I realized what I had said.

“I know that,” I sighed in relief “But I’m talking about the man behind you.”

The doorbell chimed, and the butterflies in my stomach stood still this time.

12. Mirror Entity by ParanoidLetters
No one believed me when I told them that my reflection in the mirror was alive.

"Grow up, dude, you're not a 5 years old. You're 24!"

That was all they said to me while laughing, as a response to my story.

Well, I had to admit, it was indeed sounded like a typical fear a 5 years old would have.

But I swear to God, it was true!

I couldn't remember since when my reflection came to life, but I remembered that it wasn't like that when I was a child.

It was recently, I was sure. And it wasn't a ghost. Well, your reflection was alive looked like an act of a ghostly thing, but no, mine wasn't a ghost.

It felt to me as if it was a creature... An entity, who lived behind the mirror.

Or trapped in there.

I couldn't tell why or how. What I could tell was my reflection was constantly trying to grab me, as if it was going to pull me inside the mirror while jumped out.

Nope! That wasn't gonna happen. Ever.

Ever since I realized that my reflection was alive and constantly trying to grab me inside the mirror, I always did my best to kept my distance from reflective surfaces. Like, when I brushed my teeth every night, for example. I always stood a few meters from the mirror, so it wouldn't be able to grab me.

The entity in the mirror was constantly showing a grumpy and angry face every time it was just the two of us in the room.

No matter how I try to smile in front of the mirror, the entity behind it never smiled. Never.

It always looked grumpy and angry.

One day, I took off from my flat for a sightseeing in the mall nearby, when suddenly an earthquake occurred. It was a huge one. Everyone was hysterical. They were running around in panic, looking for a shelter. I ran to cover myself under a table to avoid getting hit by anything that fell.

But I was too late.

I didn't realize something fell from above me and hit me in the head. I fell down and I groaned from the pain.

As the pain slowly faded, I started looked around. The earthquake had stopped. The mall was slightly dark. The light was out. It was messy in there.

I gasped when I noticed something shiny not far from me. I turned my head and I saw a mirror. Probably from the fitting room near me.

In reflexed, I crawled away as far as I could, even though my head and my legs were hurt.

Right there and then, I saw my reflection in the mirror. For the first time in forever, I saw the entity behind the mirror smiling at me. A devilish smile.

A sense of horror grasped me as I saw the entity waving at me from behind the mirror, as if it was saying goodbye.

For good.

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