Wedding Day

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I first met my wife in high school. Her beautiful, sparkling eyes drew me in; they were a reflection of heaven, and her voice, a chorus of angels.

I proposed after we graduated from college and we planned our future together.

But things have changed since then; she’s been acting strange lately. In bed she’d toss and turn all night, muttering under her breath.

Some nights I’d hear other strange noises, like faint screams.

I still loved her, though.

We decided to get married at our local church. Before I knew it, I was waiting at the altar for her to walk down the aisle.

I nodded to the priest and signaled to the men sitting in the front row.

We pinned her on top of the altar as the priest wrapped her arms and legs in chains. She hissed and howled, her body writhing in agony.

The priest grasped the crucifix in front of her face and began the recitation.

I wasn’t going to let her go.

I wanted my wife back.

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