Photos and Meeting the GOM

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Yui was in a very good mood today. The GOM was finally beginning their legendary journey and winning game after game. The other reason for her good mood was the success of her online novels. She had written three novels at this point, one still incomplete, and was getting a good amount of cash for them.

Miss Hana never laid a hand on her money nor controlled how she spent it because Miss Hana knew Yui was smart and had a good heart. She dreaded the day Yui would leave the orphanage as the child had become a sort of daughter to her.

If Yui knew how Miss Hana thought of her, she would have cried buckets of tears in happiness.

Yui entered the cafeteria and spotted the GOM sitting together at a table eating. Haizaki was no where in sight and Kise had replaced him on the team. She had witnessed in secret when Kuroko had gone to talk to Haizaki at the incinerator to convince him not to give up basketball. 'Kuroko is such a sweetheart' she thought.

Kuroko was eating quietly when he felt a shiver down his spine. Akashi looked to him.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes Akashi-kun. I just felt like someone was thinking about me,"

Aomine raised an eyebrow. "Ehhh, that's unlike you Tetsu,"

"Maybe Kurokocchi has an admirer-Heuk!!" Kise closed his mouth after seeing the look on Momoi's face.

"Oha Asa has predicted Aqurius to have bad luck today, nanodayo," Midorima muttered as he placed his chopsticks down.

Kise was eating when he saw someone take a seat a few tables down. He grinned when recognised the girl.

"Ah! Arai-chan, over here," he shouted. Every student in the cafeteria turned towards Yui who wished she could bury herself alive. 'Damn you, Kise'

The GOM also looked towards the girl and Kuroko looked at Kise confuesed.

"Kise-kun, you know Arai-san?"

Aomine looked at the girl whose face was completely red. "Who is she? She's pretty cute,"

Momoi answered him. "Oh that's Arai Yui. She's in the same class as Tetsu and I. How do you know her Kise-kun?"

"She accidentally bumped into me..." Kise didn't continue.

"And..." Aomine edged on. Murasakibara focused on his food and couldn't be bothere with anything else. Akashi glanced at the girl for a moment before turning back to Kise.

"Well she was interesting. Pretty blunt but a good personality. Also...SHE WAS COMPLETELY UNAFFECTED BY MEEE!!!" Kise wailed. That incident still dealt a slight bit of damage to his ego but she interested him nevertheless.

The GOM just rolled their eyes. Akashi spoke. "That girl's been attending all our matches. Usually the ones where Tetsuya plays."

Momoi's eyes widened but Kuroko spoke up before she said anything. "Yeah, she even skips school especially to come see us. She always carries her camera with her and taking photos of us,"

"'ve got a stalker, Tetsu," Aomine said. Kuroko shook his head. "No I don't think so. I talk to her every now and then and she is definitely not the type to stalk. Perhaps she just likes basketball,"

"Why don't I go bring her over and we can ask? She's all by herself anyway," Kise got up and walked towards Yui who was trying to ignore the stares. A shadow fell over her and she looked up to discover a smiling Kise.

"Kise-kun, did you really have to call me out like that? The girls are burning holes through me," Yui said frustratedly. So much for not standing out. At this point, she was thinking 'screw everything and the plot'.

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