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After that whole revelation, everyone made a mental note to think twice before hurting Kagami, especially in front of Yui.

"The only one I give permission to hurt Taiga is his coach,"

"WHAT?!" Kagami shouted, his tone full of betrayal.

"Awww. I feel so touched," Riko wiped a fake tear. "Your girlfriend's so smart Kagami-kun."

"No, no she is not - OUCH!"

Yui pinched his skin while smiling, "What was that honey?"

"N-Nothing," Kagami gritted his teeth and massaged his sore skin. 

Aomine snickered and muttered to him, "Sucks to be you - OUCH! Tetsu!"

"Stop antagonizing him, Aomine-kun" Kuroko retracted his hand that jabbed the other boy's ribs.



In the front, Rio pressed 'play' again and continued on to the last couple of photos in the slideshow. 

On the screen, it was a picture of the KYAHR minus Kagami, standing at an inn. Sora was with them as well.

"Ah, this place," for the hundredth time tonight, Yui and the others let out loud exaggerated sighs. 

"What happened this time?" Takao asked clearly amused. 

"It was Rio's fault," the group answered simultaneously.

Everyone else had the same thought; when was it NOT his fault?

"It was NOT! Those guys picked a fight with me first!" the accused boy defended. "And I had nothing to do with what happened in the parking lot!"

The last phrase incited pale looks from Haruka and Yui. 

"What happened in the parking lot?" Kuroko questioned seeing their expressions. Beside him, Himuro had to clutch his chest in shock. He totally forgot Kuroko was sitting next to him.

Before the shadow's question was answered, the projection changed where it showed a video.

["Pull them apart! Pull them apart!" someone yelled.]

["ARGH!! YOU B*TCH!!" a girl screamed as Haruka slapped her face.]

["I'll kill you!" Yui shouted as she and another girl pulled each other's hair]

Meanwhile, the boys in the background were trying their very best to separate the girls before one of them clawed an eye out.

In the café, things had gone silent.

Haruka and Yui were quiet as they bore the stares of everyone. 

"Do we wanna know what happened?" Midorima finally asked, albeit hesitantly.

Both girls replied, "No. No, you do not."

And the topic was dropped there.


With the slideshows finally over, several people decided it was time for them to go home. Riko and Seirin were pretty tired so they were the first to depart minus Kuroko and Kagami who stayed a little longer.

Next to leave were Muraskibara and Himuro. Though the former was rather unwilling, they needed to catch a train back to Akita. 

Before they left, Murasakibara turned to Kagami and said, "I still don't accept you, eyebrows."

"Who're you calling eyebrows?!!"

"Take care Taiga, and make sure you're good to her," Himuro patted his brother's back. 

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