It's about time everyone found out!

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Outside the gymnasium, Seirin along with the generation of miracles had gathered together for the purpose of celebrating and congratulating Kuroko's win, and secondly, to question the Seirin ace.

Though, 'question' was a bit of an overstatement. More like stare at him wondering if the guy singing inside the gymnasium was the very same aggressive, impulsive, hotheaded, and idiotic player they knew.

" no one going to talk about what just happened?" Kise asked. "How Kagamicchi - this Kagamicchi - just turned into an idol and SANG?!"

"Who knew you had it in you, Kagami-kun," Kuroko muttered. 

"Right? What happened to our Bakagami?!" Hyuuga asked slapping the boy's back. 

Kagami grunted and cried with pink-tipped ears, "I-It's not like I wanted to! I was blackmailed!"

"By Yui?" Kiyoshi asked.

"No- do you know her?" Kagami furrowed his eyebrows. 'I don't think I've mentioned her before...'

"I think the real question is; how do you know her?" Kise narrowed his eyes. 

"To perform that whole charade with her, I'd think you'd know her pretty well," Midorima added. 


Kuroko joined in, "Yes, it is a little odd. I didn't think you'd even make friends outside of the basketball team."

Okay, now that was just downright brutal.

"I too am surprised you know Atsuhi's sister," Himuro said, he carefully watched the giant next to him half-worried he might attack his brother.

Murasakibara was waiting for an answer from Kagami's mouth. He knew his sister was pretty and he'd admit that he was a little overprotective of her (who wouldn't be). This also brings to him the question of who the hell was those other bozos she sang and danced with.

"I uh-" Kagami was sweating rapidly.

"Hold mean to say that girl was Murasakibara's sister?!" Seirin gaped. Kiyoshi wore a shocked expression with the rest of them.

"Adopted." Akashi clarified. 

The surrounding people jumped with the boy's sudden appearance. Where did he come from?

"Akashi," Midorima breathed. "I'm surprised you're still here."

"Yeah. I thought you'd be sulking somewh-"

Aomine stopped in the middle of his sentence as Akashi's deadly gaze landed on him. Momoi, who was clinging onto Kuroko, muttered a low "Idiot Dai-chan".

Seirin shivered at the redhead's gaze. Even though he wasn't his 'former self', the boy still oozed authority and danger.

"I still have some business here. Actually, I believe Atsushi and Himuro do too," he said.

Kagami blurted, "Tatsuya?"

The pretty boy and giant seemed confused for a minute before their eyes widened.

"Ah...the bet," Himuro mumbled. "I would've forgotten bout that if you didn't remind me."

"What bet?" Kagami asked. A cool breeze brushed against him and he unconsciously clutched his jacket tighter.

"The bet that--"

Himuro couldn't finish his sentence because a group of teens suddenly tackled his redheaded bro to the ground.

""KAGAMI!!"" they screamed in his ear.

Seirin watched in bafflement as their ace was pinned to the ground by a group of bodies - whom they recognized as the ones singing and dancing.

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