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On the projection, the camera held by Akito was switched and directed at Kagami standing at the edge of the ramp with his skateboard tipping over.

Some of the audience half-covered their eyes expecting something bad to happen but soon found themselves watching in awe as the redhead skillfully rode the board.

"Holy shit, you can ride Kagami!" Takao exclaimed.

Seirin was astonished at their ace's hidden skill. 

This guy...he's so full of secrets!

"That's amazing Kagamicchi!" Kise blared, Kuroko and Himuro winced at his loud voice.

"I must say, I'm quite impressed," even Akashi felt surprised. 

At all the praise he was receiving, Kagami felt proud of himself.

Aomine snorted and muttered enviously, "Psh, I could do the same if I practiced a bit."

Kagami overheard him and snickered, "Feeling jealous?"

"HA? Like I'd be jealous of you!" the tan boy retorted.

Meanwhile, Koganei found himself sighing. He started talking in a tone full of envy.

"Damn Kagami-kun. You're a talented basketball player, you can cook yummy dishes, you can surf AND you can ride a skateboard?! Why is the world so unfair?" he wailed.

"It seems Yui really hit the jackpot huh," Momoi mused. Riko nodded along with her.

Several boys glared at Kagami who pretended not to see them. At this moment, Yui really did feel like a winner.

"A shame his grades are low though," Kuroko suddenly said. He couldn't let his light get too arrogant now, could he?

"Damn you Kuroko!"

And just like that, those who were feeling jealous of the boy felt a new sense of comfort. At least they were smarter than the Bakagami.

Yui patted the now sulking boy's hand in pity.

'It's okay. Even if you're a little stupid, I still like you.'

The video then went on to show Rio's performance on the skateboard and once again, everyone was surprised.

"Huh, and here I thought he was just an idiot," Riko said mercilessly. Rio felt an arrow pierce his heart as everyone nodded along with her words.

Damn you all, the boy thought bitterly.

The video stopped recording and the slide changed to show the group standing outside the very same café they were seated in.

Seeing the picture, Kagami, Yui, Haruka, and Hiro felt a loud groan release from their mouths. 

"What's wrong?" asked Himuro. "Did something happen here?"

"You could say that," answered Yui with a cringe. "Kagami lost the bet so this was the punishment."

"I lost a bet that YOU agreed to!" Kagami spat.

Yui just turned her head away whistling but yelped when she felt a pinch to her side. She glared at Kagami and he returned the gesture.

On the projection, the slideshow went on to show various pictures from the day they worked there dressed like maids and butlers. 

Seeing Kagami in formal attire with his hair swept back, Seirin, Aomine, and Kise couldn't help but laugh and tease him.

"Well don't you look handsome," Kiyoshi smiled. From the airhead, it was a genuine compliment.

Hyuuga laughed and pointed at his kouhai, "Y-You actually did that?!"

➪ Rᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ KNB ✔︎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora