Chapter 19 - A gentleman in distress

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Nobody knew this, but despite his macho appearance, Lucas Maxwell was, truthfully, a conservative man.

His idea of love was that, if one falls in love, he will love that girl forever. Falling out of love is despicable.

More importantly, his idea of sex was that, once you touched a girl's forbidden treasure, the only right thing to do next was to marry her, and be responsible for her, and love her for the rest of your life.

In this era, especially since the Magic Tower created the contraceptive gem, sex before marriage is not considered an inexcusable act anymore. But Lucas personally thought only shameless people do that.

He knew he was being too rigid.

But it was difficult to change the mindset he had since a young age that was drilled in his head by his gentle mother. His romanticist mother passed away when he was 10 years old. He held her principle dearly.

And one day, he fell in love.

He knew he will love her for a long time, but he just did not know how to deal with these new feelings.

Despite being an expert when it comes to battles, Lucas Maxwell was in fact, a clumsy man when it comes to love.

Fast forward 3 years after he first met her.

After years of yearning quietly, suddenly, the girl of his dreams fell effortlessly in his arms.

He was happy and anxious and afraid. He took her home and claimed her, scared that she will disappear as suddenly as she appeared.

Being with her, embracing her, he was full of happiness, he couldn't think straight. All he could think was her.

But afterward, when Allyssa wasn't with him, he was confronted by a pang of immense guilt.

Ah, I've ruined the girl I love. I must marry her now.

But, after the short conversations they had, he knew Allyssa doesn't feel the same. He knew Allyssa isn't as conservative as him. Allyssa's way of thinking is the exact opposite of him.

It didn't mean that his guilt becomes any less. He had become one of those shameless people who had sex before marriage. And he had done it with the very girl he's supposed to treasure more than anything in the world.

His conscience was stabbed so hard.

So the real reason for sending Allyssa a wedding dress, was not because he wanted to tease her.

It was just to feed his ego because he can't marry her for real. He wanted to at least pretend to marry her. In his mind, he already married her.

Yes. I settled for this, for now. Soon, it will be for real. I'll definitely marry this girl!

This is what was on Lucas Maxwell's mind the moment Allyssa, looking extraordinary beautiful in her wedding dress, took his hand as they walked to the carriage that will bring them to the masquerade party.

"Seriously, we should go to the church instead..."

Lucas mumbled quietly as he averted his gaze away from Allyssa. It was dark, and he was wearing a mask, so nobody noticed how red his cheeks and ears were.

"Did you say something?"

Allyssa's big, sparkly pink eyes looked up at him questioningly.

"N-no. It's nothing. Let's go."


Few pieces of paper flew from Lucas' hand, slowly falling to the floor.

"Get out! I don't wanna see your face right now!"

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now