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"Manik!" Ritesh whispered in shock. Manik was standing there with stern expressions and red eyes.

He was furious. He remembered in which condition he found Nandini last night. How he almost lost his breathe. And now hearing her past, he was feeling like destroying everything and everyone responsible for her condition. But unfortunately, he can not. He felt helpless.

"She is my blood. My first child, my daughter. My.. my princess. How can you even think like that?" Ritesh asked getting a bit angry at last. Manik shook his head.

"Not only me, but Nandini herself has the same doubt." Ritesh took a step back hearing Manik.

"Nandu?" He whispered in shock. Manik just looked away and wiped his tear which fell on his cheek unknown to him.

"I never expected your wife to be so inhumane, Papa. I.. I don't know if I will be ever able to give her same respect I used to. I am sorry if you feel offended but I can't help it. I love my wife and I was almost on a verge of loosing her yesterday. I didn't even know what happened to her and what should I do. I was terrified, scared. When I get to know from doctor that she had panic attack I thought to ask you and know the reasons. Just because of your wife's stupid religious beliefs my Nandini suffered in past and now in present too. Was her worshipping more important than her daughter's health? Does her God tells her to ignore her sick daughter and worship him? Would her God bless her seeing his another child in so much pain? And I wonder if she still regret about that. Does she? What if we would have lost her damn it?" Ritesh had no answers. He knew Manik was right.

Ishani never regretted for behaving like that with Nandini. She regretted ignoring her pain. She thinks, she should have consulted the doctor immediately and gave her medicines. Then there wouldn't have been need to be near her and also she would have slept even in darkness due to medicine effects. Overall, she thought her fault is she ignored her wound pain. Nothing else. She was still adamant on her beliefs over those religious things. She would still never go near Nandini in her periods.

Manik roamed his hand in his hairs furiously. He was taking deep breathes to calm himself.

"Few days back, Nandini was very disturbed. I didn't know the reason and I still don't know what was disturbing her and what was she thinking. But she suddenly asked me the question if she was adopted and before we could talk anymore she broke down badly. She was crying incoherently in my arms and I thought to let her cry. She would feel better. I didn't ask her about it again because I didn't want to bother her or make her nervous. I knew she would tell me someday. But me asking this would make her uncomfortable or embarrassing. May be she would have lied and hided the things. I didn't want that. That's why I let go off the matter. But now I am damn sure, that must be related to your wife's some another behavior or rules and regulations." Said Manik angrily. Ritesh just wiped his eyes and sighed.

"Manik, I know I don't have any answers to your questions. I won't defend myself or Ishani. Many things, must have happened in my absence too. I don't know. But I do know one thing. Ishani doesn't hate Nandini. She loves her too. Just she is a way more religious and strict in some matters. She never would want Nandini to suffer like this. Yeah, I know, she is the reason behind this but it wasn't intentional. You're right at your place but think from my place too. Wife and daughter, I had to handle the feelings of both. I knew many things would have troubled Nandu and many times Ishani was wrong but still I had to be neutral or would say have to be on Ishani's side most. Or her and Nandini's relation would have been destroyed. She would have been more strict to her or may be would have dislike her because I am taking her side. She would have been hurt. I didn't want that and it was the reason I used to make Nandu understand most of the times. Also, being her husband she expected me to stood by her whatever she says or teaches her children. If we would have fought over the issues then children would have been through negative impact of that which I never wanted. Again, I am not defending anyone I just explained my situation. And I would never mind how you behave with Ishani or me. I agree Nandini suffered because of us. And you have all the right to stood by your wife. Just.. just take care of her and tell her that.. that forgive her father if possible. I couldn't protect her that time and now also. Tell her not to hate us. I love her alot and will always do. I know you would heal her and I trust you on my princess. Just never ever leave her alone. Stay happy and blessed." Saying this Ritesh walked out of room. Manik closed his eyes in pain and followed him. He saw Ritesh standing in hall with Nandini. Composing himself he went to them.

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