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Hey peeps!
I know you all are excited for the next part so here I am as promised. This update is a super long and I hope I won't disappoint you all. Sorry in advance if update is not upto your expectations. *Fingers crossed* Now I am stopping my bak bak. Enjoy!


Nandini was sitting in Manik's embrace while keeping her head on his chest. She had stopped crying. Manik was caressing her hairs and kissing on her head now and then. After the silence of complete fifteen minutes she started speaking.

"I was the first child of my parents. Papa's 'princess' and Maa's 'betu'. We trio were very happy with each other. Our world was small yet perfect. Then Dadi came from village to live with us, after dadu's death. She was asking papa to think about second child. Practically, papa wasn't ready for a second child as he always says - I was enough for them. But then, Dadi was a bit strict in this all. No, she didn't differentiate between me and Rishu ever because I was a girl. She loved me the same way. I was very much pampered by her and dadu. Even alot more than my parents. May be because I was their first grandchild. But still she wanted a boy grandchild who will handle everything after papa. According to her, I would leave my parents one day after my marriage and then they will be all alone. They needed someone to handle them, to take care of them as well as to handle our business. They needed someone to keep our generation going on. So finally maa and papa gave in and then Rishu was born. I was 6 years old then. I still remember that day. I was in a school and papa came to pick me up. He directly took me to the hospital. Rishu was born at noon. I was very happy hearing the news." Said Nandini going into the flashback with a soft smile playing on her lips.

Flashback -

Ritesh with a little Nandini holding his hand came inside the hospital. Nandini looked at Ritesh with a frown.

"Papa why are we here in the hospital? Are you not feeling well?" Asked Nandini innocently. Ritesh smiled and nodded in no.

"No princess. We are here because your maa is here with a chotu baby." Hearing him Nandini was beyond happy.

"Sachhi papa? Chotu baby come out of maa's tummy? But when? I wasn't here na. I wanted to see him." Said Nandini getting sad at last. Ritesh bent down near her and cupped her face.

"Chotu baby came out when you were in school, Princess. It is okay. You can meet him now also. Come.." Nandini smiled brightly hearing Ritesh and nodded vigorously. Ritesh laughed and picked her up in his arms. Nandini giggled.

Opening the door of Ishani's ward, Ritesh and Nandini entered inside while Ishani smiled looking at them. Seeing Ishani, Nandini ran towards her squealing loudly.

"Maa!" Ishani hugged her daughter smiling and shusshed her showing the new born.

"Sshh Nandu. Slowly baby. Chillana nahi hai. Chotu baby is sleeping no? He will cry." Said Ishani. Nandini's big doe eyes twinkled looking at the small baby wrapped in a blanket. She moved near the cradle slowly.

"Nandu-" Ishani panicked seeing her going there while Ritesh assured her showing he's there. He sat on his knees near the cradle beside Nandini. She was busy adoring the features of New born.

"He's so small and cute, papa." Nandini whispered. Ritesh smiled hearing her.

"And he's sleeping." She added further. Ritesh nodded.

"Yes. He is chotu baby na. That's why he needs to sleep alot. We should not disturb him or else he will cry. Okay?" Explained Ritesh. Nandini nodded cutely.

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