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Ishani was angry seeing Manik's practical yet rude behavior and felt his dislike towards her from his talks. She looked at Nandini thinking if she fed her husband any wrong information about her. But she chucked such thoughts thinking what's there to tell about her? She was best mother anyways. And Nandini, even if doesn't like her any thing, she won't complaint. Because she won't let her parents image to be low infront of her husband and inlaws and Ishani trusted her on this. And off course, Nandini never opened her mouth except that night when she asked 'Am I Adopted'.

Nandini regretted asking that question to Manik and breaking down remembering past incidents. She never raised the topic again and was happy thinking that Manik also forgot it. Even after her panic attack and nightmares, she kept quiet. She didn't want to talk about it. Thankfully, Manik never ever asked her regarding any matter. She knew how Manik is. He loves her, respects her so much. Yes, she knew this all. She didn't want him to dislike her parents, especially her mother. Though she was hurt many times in past, she always forgave them heartily. She let it go because she loved them the most. Her self respect, her anger wasn't bigger than her love for them. She respected them enough to make sure no one will raise their fingers at them because of her.

"I think, we should leave now. It's getting late. So many works are pending." Said Ishani looking at Nandini. Manik had neutral expressions. Nandini asked her to have lunch with them.

"What's so hurry, Maa? Atleast have a lunch with us." Urged Nandini. Ishani gave her faint smile and shook her head.

"Next time, Nandu. Now I have to go. Also I have already prepared the lunch at home. It will be wasted, no?" Said Ishani patting her cheek. Nandini nodded understanding but suddenly widened her eyes in horror.

"Oh shit!" She exclaimed.

"What happened Nandini?" Asked Manik being concerned.

"Manik, I have also asked Maria to prepare our lunch. But I didn't know that time you won't be going to office and we will be eating outside. Now what to do?" Said Nandini worriedly. Ishani shook her head and interrupted before Manik could speak.

"So irresponsible, Nandu! You should have asked Manik before preparing. Now don't waste food and have your lunch at home only. I know how much you like to eat outside junk food but keep your restaurant addiction away for a day." Said Ishani.

Manik rolled his eyes hearing her. Why she has to poke her nose in each and every matter?

"Not needed. Nandini, listen to me. Just call Maria and ask her to keep our all food in refrigerator. Anyways you will have to make something at night for our dinner so we will eat this. You will not be exhausted at night too. We will warm up the food at dinner time and eat. Now I think we can have food in your favorite restaurant because we don't eat it often. It's okay to eat outside and enjoy your favorite food sometimes. I am a big time foody and I love doing all this so please. And Rishab, we will have a dinner party before you go to California. Only you, me, Cabir and Nandu. Will enjoy alot." Said Manik patting his shoulder. Rishab grinned.

Ishani was getting irritated by constant replies of Manik. She never let Rishab or Ritesh to go against her. Nandini shouldn't be counted even. But Manik's case is different. He is her son in law and she couldn't go against him or reply him back. Her rules and traditions, her values didn't allow her to disrespect her son in law. She had to keep quiet.

"Yes sure, jiju. Done deal. We will surely have food outside before I go. But for now, we should really go home. I am hungry already because Maa have made Mushroom curry and few more favorite dishes of mine. Before I go to California, I want to relish each and every food over here. Oh my god, I am gonna miss my all yummy food." Cried Rishab dramatically. Nandini and Ishani laughed a little while Manik smiled sarcastically hearing him.

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