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Emotional part ahead. Read at your own risk.


Everyone was too shocked to say anything seeing Nandini's behavior. The ever calm and sweet Nandini they saw was not this. She never behaved like this. Ritesh was the one to speak first coming in his sense.

"Nandini! What kind of behavior is this? What's wrong with you? What-" Nandini cuts Ritesh in between shaking her head.

"No! Not today, Papa. Today no one will come in between us. I will only speak and you all have to hear it. You have to hear it, Maa. You need to answer every question of mine. And I repeat no one will speak in between. NO ONE!" Said Nandini furiously. Ishani came near her being confused.

"Nandu, what are you talking about? What questions? And why are you behaving like this? We are in your sasural. Did I teach you to insult your parents like this infront of your inlaws? Did you forget all your values?" Nandini chuckled hearing her and shook her head.

"I didn't forget anything nor you will let me. And about your teaching.. just tell me one thing- is your all teaching, traditions, values, limitations, discipline, reputational things are limited for me only? I mean these many things you always used to chant around. Did you ever tell Rishu even a D of discipline? Did you ever tried to knock some senses in him when he behaved wrong? Did you ever stop him from doing anything he desired for? Then why me damn it?" Shouted Nandini at last sentence. Ishani flinched a bit but shot her an angry glare.

"Behave yourself, Nandini! Do you even know what all non sense you are blabbering? From where did Rishu came in between?" Said Ishani angrily.

"He came in between 20 years back. He came in between because you brought him. He came in between because he is still here in your talks even not being here physically. He came in between because you freaking forgot your daughter since he is born. He came in between since you decided to ignore your daughter for him. You brought him in between maa. Not me!"

"Nandini!" Ishani shouted.

"Chillayee mat! Truth won't change. You.. how could you change so much, Maa? How? Did you never ever think how.. how I will feel? You never thought about me even for a once? Haan? What made you change so much? And why?" Cried Nandini while shouting. Manik came beside her and rubbed her back taking her in a side hug. Nandini looked at him sobbing. He shook his head with moisted eyes.

"Manik, she destroyed my childhood. She killed the child inside me. I was only 6 year old, Manik. Chotisi thi main. I didn't even know how to wear my clothes properly. I.. I was so much dependent on her for my every damn thing. But like a stone in a rice she threw me away when Rishu born. Whyyy? Wasn't I her daughter too? Haan? You tell me Maa? Am I adopted? Or wait.. are you my step mother? Haan tell me if you guys are hiding anything like this na then please tell me. What is it Papa? I wanna know. I am ready to hear anything. Yes. I am ready. Tell me damn it!" Shouted Nandini moving towards her father while shaking him. Ritesh held her arm crying silently but before he could say anything she was turned around harshly and was rewarded by a tight slap.

"Nandini!" Manik shouted moving towards her while Malhotras gasped. Ishani had slapped Nandini tightly on her face. She was fuming in anger. Ritesh held Nandini closed to him and shouted in anger. He caressed her cheek and hugged her.

"Have you lost it Ishani? What are you doing?" Manik slowly pulled Nandini in his arms who were just shivering like a dry leaf. He kissed her forehead whispering sweet nothings while she was looking at Ishani and vice a versa.

"She has lost it, Ritesh! Did you hear what she asked? How dare she!" Shouted Ishani and pulled her away from Manik's embrace.

"What are you doing? She will get hurt damn it!" Manik roared. Cabir held Manik back who was on the verge of bursting.

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