Chapter 11

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"So Lenny? Penny?" Avery asked.


"Want to explain what happened in front of us." Avery asked.

Lenny got up. He sarcastically shook invisible dust from his trousers and pointed to Penny. Whilst Penny just sat there staring at the biscuit on the side of the room. "Aah Right. It's time to go." Then he sat down once more. He chuckled.

"Take into account you all are parent figures, yes Avery, you too. These children lost their parents not 4 hours ago so please take it easy on them. Also, Avery-" He pulled the middle finger to his face in which Avery responded with a very creative hurt face. Very Mature, Penny thought.

"Ok. Ok. Both of you, unlike you jokesters I want to know what happened, that so graciously bought 97 kids over to our ship with no parental supervision?" Ladonna said, emerging herself into the conversation. 

Ally gave a nod, as well as the rest of the people sat at the table. "Ok. Well it all really began when the passengers of the 24th Colony group went into the resolute, thinking that it was going to be as easy as it was for the 23 Colony groups that are currently on Alpha Centauri. Everything is smooth, as smooth as can be. Going to Space School and normal things like that. Then the alarm comes on. Evacuate to our Jupiter's, those are like our houses except they are like mini spaceships on the bigger one, just normal procedure. However it was far from. It was chaotic and us Robinsons, not sure about Lenny, but we landed on a planet, it had breathable air. We were stranded. My family landed in an icy place. We were surrounded by ice and we needed to get supplies from my Jupiter she got frozen in, so my brother ad father went out to get supplies. My brother meets a robot, saves my sister and first instincts on a planet is not to stay put, it's to find other stranded people. Which we unluckily did. Which brings me to the topic. Do you have a jail cell?" Ally gave a questioning look.

"Jail Cell? A kid need time out?" Avery chuckled, but Penny gave a stern look back.

"Oh yeah Dr. Smith. She is essentially the worst thing in my life." Penny gave them a look. A dreaded one. 

Sofia butted into the conversation. "Carry on with the story."

For a split second Penny looked up, a glimpse of hope filled her eyes, maybe life wasn't going to be that bad. Life is so unexpected. They lose their elder figures and end up with a whole new set of them. Her blood rushed up to her face when her thoughts carried on, would they act like their parents.

"So I stopped where my parents and brother went to explore, while I was in the Jupiter, I saw a storm. Dread was probably the only thing I thought of, my parents wouldn't see it until it was too late. So I took a risk, I sped up the heating ice process, drove a chariot which I never had ever ridden and drove out to where they were. When I picked them up, a flare appeared, it was Dr. Smith. Conniving lady. She told us there was no one other than her. Left Don for the dead. Then we had trouble but managed to get the Jupiter onto a more habitable place, than Ice I mean." Penny Narrated the whole story of the Robot and the fuel. It took time, and by the end some of the kids had joined for the story time. It was a nice way to spend their afternoon, popcorn was also a good snack.

The deafening silence at the end came to a close as the adults gaped with their jaws down. Stunned. A clap resounded from the back of the room. "Wow. They stumped us captain. All we did was got attacked by alien robots." 

Lenny got up by surprise, pushing the sofa an inch back. This caused everyone's head to travel to where he was, yet his vision remained planted on the girl by the entrance. Not even a step into the room she ran back down the hall, Lenny pacing out to reach her. 

A sly exchange of looks between Avery and Ladonna gave everyone as much information as they needed to hear to get the gist of the underlying events that had implicitly occurred in front of them. 


Through the speakers, the blasting sound of Hozier's melancholic voice filled every inch of the rover. "I bet this is the closest thing to a church song you have."

"And I thought your brain was shallow." Don responded anxiously, his fingers tapping the steering wheel forming a rhythm that coincided with the song. "So..." His voice trailed into the ending of the song. 

"So, Adler?" Not only had Victor persuaded Don relentlessly to be a participant in the rescue, it wasn't easy being dragged away from your son, live a life in danger nor see your wife in pain, taking to a frame for longer than a sane person would. Moreover, having your responsibilities handed to someone else who you wasn't even on your radar.

That being said, he had an appreciation for the Robinsons that ran quite deep regardless. It just wasn't the ideal situation, his colony out of them all was the one that got sabotaged. "Will said he sacrificed himself, said he could heal the robot, maybe..." Don stopped mid sentence as a sand cloud came rushing through the air unexpectedly. "Oh fu-"

Victor laughed accordingly, "Maybe the robots connected?" He shook his head. "The robot got tortured by him for months, and he's not like Will's robot. He's suffered under us for months."

A 'mhmm' followed out of Don's mouth as he played with the controls trying to clear his vision. As they carried on driving a loud thump broke their momentum. A squeak followed, another combustion after that. "Great. Stranded again. For the love of fucking god." He pressed open the door, coughing when the intensity of the sand cloud got to him.

Within the second, as the sand cleared up, a figure came into view. An obviously starved person, however a person nonetheless. 


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