Chapter 2

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Tyra's POV

"Last week of August! That's less than a month's time to prepare!" I exclaim in surprise at the news my principal just dropped on me.

"Sorry Kyra. With the school being closed for vacations, the mail intimating about the qualifiers for inter school decathlon got misplaced" she says sympathetically.

"You know the team isn't prepared yet. How are we supposed to win with such less time to prepare!" My minor outburst continues as I think about the amount of preparation required.

The fact she was my principle and all out bursting out at her could affect my academic record, was the only thing holding me from blowing my fuse. After all, it was my senior year. I had lots more to do as well!

"Tyra I am sure you are more than prepared. Plus these are just qualifiers, we don't need to win them. I am sure when the main competitions start, the team will be better prepared" she continues in her soothing and motivating tone.

And she wasn't wrong. Every year the qualifiers were just a way to weed out low scoring teams and decide the top 8 that would be actually competing throughout the year. But it mattered to me when my future depended on them.

I knew a good academic record wasn't the only thing colleges looked at, a good and strong extra curricular record would definitely work in my favour, especially since I wanted to apply for scholarships. Each win and loss would be under the microscope especially since I am planning to apple for academic scholarships.

The Stones are wealthy people and they could easily sponsor my education, but if I truly wanted to be free of them, I had to cut off completely and not take any help, even the financial aid. I couldn't have them holding that debt over my head.

The thoughts about my adopted family, brings back the looming thoughts about what happened in the cafeteria and how was I supposed to face them?

Giving a small smile to the principal, I move out from the cabin, to be met with Violet and Angel waiting anxiously outside for me.

"Hey everything alright?"

"Are you in trouble?"

They both ask at the same time to me the moment they notice me. Violet starts laughing at Angel's question.

"Duh! She is Tyra Stones, never going to get called for trouble at school" Violet says teasing only and I too smile at her.

"Were you waiting here for long? Why did you leave your...." my questions are cut short by Violet

"Because we thought our friend needed our support more" Violet says as she and Angel loop my hand and we start walking back towards the cafeteria.

"And didn't someone very smart and wise person, true friends don't leave each other" Angel says chirpily, trying to quote me and my smile gets a bit longer.

"I know you must have lots of questions for me...." my speech is cut short as we hear some commotion in the corridor we are about to turn into, which I soon realised is an intense discussion. I instantly recognize the voices.

"Damn that bitch is a real witch" Hayden says.

"Seriously like a leech she won't leave us" Tristan adds on.

"Let's focus on Tyra for now. Veronica isn't worth our time anyways" Ryan turns the conversation. Before anyone has a chance to add more, we enter into the corridor.

"What are you guys doing here? Didn't we decide that you would wait back so we don't overwhelm her" Violet reprimands

"We were just worried and couldn't just wait there" Ryan answers his girlfriend and welcomes her in a side hug.

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