Chapter 10

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Tyra's POV

*achoo* *achoo*

So much for it being a night to remember, my subconscious taunts me as another sneeze heaves through me. As I blow my nose, I inhale through my mouth to help me breathe better as my congested nose made it difficulty to breath properly.

"Well it was a night to remember" I say to myself, thinking of the bike ride that followed on leaving the cliff. The rain had slowed down but there was a slight drizzle and it simply felt wonderful to feel that cold air against my skin.

The same cold air giving you a cold right now, how are you even a genius? my subconscious sarcastically asks me which I happily ignore.

Austen had dropped me a couple doors down from my home since he didn't want my "parents" getting suspicious of being out in the middle of the night. I had promptly dried myself , changed into sleeping wear and dozed off to sleep. I woke up pretty late in the afternoon feeling more exhausted than ever and a little on the warmer side. After replying to few texts, I decided to go back to sleep again, ditching the comforter and hoping to wake up refreshed. Except here I was, close to Sunday midnight and sneezing my nose out.

Seriously at this rate you will sneeze yourself dry, my subconscious chimes in making her presence known again. I shake my head at myself and look around the room for a glass of water and my medicines, which sadly for me sat my dresser away from my bed.

"Why couldn't a radioactive spider bite me" I huff in exhaustion, as spider webs won't shoot out from my wrists and my limbs are just unwilling to get out of bed. I could feel my body temperature was slight hot than warm but a cold settling in my bones. I contemplated whether to get up or not for sometime as the sneezes continued, making my body ache even more.

"I always have to get up for school in few hours, I'll suffer till then" I mumble to myself and plop myself back into sleeping position, pulling the comforter backup as it was started to feel chilly.


*tring* *tring*

A shrill sound breaks my sleep, and as I stretch my arms to find my phone to dismiss my alarm, my whole body groins in revolt, followed by a whole bout of cough.

"Shit" I croak out, my voice gruff and heavier. With a bleary eye I look around for my phone to shut off the incessant ringing. After a lot of fumbling around in the comforter, I find my phone, except it's dead.

*tring* *tring*

"Where is the noise coming from?" I ask myself, looking for a tissue to wipe my nose.

Maybe check the door? My subconscious asks rhetorically.

The door, oh yes! I belatedly realized it's the doorbell that was ringing.

"Who's here so early in the morning?" I wonder as I slap myself on head to wake myself up and groggily make my way down whilst wrapping myself in my comforter, I was still feeling chilly. The walk down the stairs make my feet feel like they are loaded with lead. By the time I am near the door, my skin is covered in a sheen of sweat and already feeling a bit dizzy.

As I open the door, the harsh rays of sun make my eyes burn and I pull the comforter more around me to shield myself. Through the blinding light and dizziness, I see a blurry male figure standing outside, hands raised to ring the bell again probably.

Why did I not check through the security camera again, I wonder to myself, shaking my head to make the image in front of me clearer.

"You know dropping a message to just let your friends know you are alive is common decency" a clearer image of Austen speaks up and a tiny smile makes way onto my face, remembering that I spoke similar lines to him a night ago.

Or was it two nights ago? I wonder in my head again for a second but I think it's a second too long as Austen looks impatient and says something more. Except all I hear is a loud ringing in my ears and the tiny frown makes way on Austen's face. I don't clearly remember what happened next except, my hand twitching to clear the crease between his eyebrow are my last thoughts as darkness consumes me.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note - Sorry about the short update. There's some real important things happening next and I didn't want to mesh it altogether I guess *shoulder shrug*

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