Chapter 7

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Tyra's POV

"You don't have to do this" Austen speaks directly to me, for the first time this evening.

"Yeah Tyra, it's not a big problem" Ryan tried to reassure me.

I look beyond him and see a whole sea of eyes set up on. Yeah no problem at all.

"Common, is the Everthrone genius feeling a tiny bit scared?" Varicella speaks on the makeshift stage, and a few laughter can be heard. I know the laughter would have been much more had I not been standing with the most popular guys at the school.

"She is just trying to bait you" Violet adds in, but seeing Varicella and Pansy up there, with winning smirks just gets a mad rage going.

"Hey Hayden, can you manage this background music for me?" I asked him while showing him the song on my mobile. He shockingly just nodes his head and goes over to the DJ.

Just as I go to follow him, Austen grabs my arm and asks, "What are you doing?"

"Just giving them a fun show to watch" I reply with a wink and walk over to the stage and the music starts playing.

"I don't like your little games.." I started singing Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift. Looking at the shocked faces of Pansy and Varicella gives a pep to my step and I start moving confidently around the stage and moving with the beats. Once the initial shock wears off, the crowd too starts moving along with me as the tempo hits.

"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me

I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams"

When this part starts, I feel more confident and start to move around the floor and grooving with some people in the crowd. Soon the rest of the gang joins in and we dance as I sing.

"I'm sorry

But the old Tyra can't come to the phone right now

Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead (oh)"

I end with my own twist. The crowd cheers like mad which just fuels the adrenaline coursing like mad through me for something so unlike the responsible Tyra.

"You think you have done it right?" a seething Veronica roughly grabs my arm and pulls me outside to the pool area. The gang follows me.

"Rocked that performance then yes!" I say, removing my hand from her grasp and raising my hand up for high five to Hayden and he complies with equal enthusiasm.

"I understand all your schemes for popularity..." she starts to go off again.

"Popularity this, popularity that, can't you just hear how boring you are getting, get some new stuff" I stop her rant mid sentence and Tristen hollers in support.

"Go and cool down" I shoo her away and attempt to turn to my friends.

"Oh I will show you, how to cool down" Veronica gets in her last word and next thing, a force grabs at my arm and ice cold spiked attack my body. I try to take a breath but instead of air, water meets my air passage. I realized she pushed me into the pool and immediately swam up, coughing up water as I broke the surface.

Although it felt like a long time, I am sure a few seconds had passed as I was seeing Austen and Tristan planning to jump in to help me.

"Stop guys! I'll swim myself out" I stop them from getting in. The unplanned dive into the pool was bringing back coherent back. Why on earth I think...

"How is this for cooling down Ms Tyra" Veronica says with a sly smile on her face as I see a crowd forming around the pool.

Did she wish to humiliate me? Well luckily for me I wasn't wearing any makeup so no drenchy face for me except my clothes which was going to be super uncomfortable.

I slowly started walking out of the pool, my white vintage style dress completely stuck to my sides and the cold wind making me shiver.

"Oh my god Tyra! Are you alright?" Violet is the first to reach me and envelops me in a tight hug.

"Oh no, you will get your clothes wet" I say trying to resist her hug not wanting to get her drenched as well.

"DO you think I care?" She replies, going to check me for any injuries and fussing over me.

"Wow, Violet doesn't care about her dress, that must be a new milestone for her" Hayden pokes fun at Violet, earning an elbow jibe from her. I look over them to the rest of the guys and give nods to Hunter and Ryan to indicate I was alright. Tristan envelops me in a hug as well while Austen seems to be in some trance.

Is he back to blaming himself for this? I hope not.

"Well this girl here is freezing and wishing we can go home" I say, wanting to end my humiliation from being dripping wet and just wanting to curl up in a warm comforter at home. And apparently this had been the correct thing to say as it shakes Austen from whatever thoughts he was in. One second he was standing across from me and next a black jacket was draped on my shoulder.

"Let's get out of here" grumbles Austen, taking my hand pulling me with him. My legs again don't listen to me, not because of the non thinking thing but due to the tingles that erupted when he held my hand. I looked up to his face to see his reaction but he all focused on the way ahead.

I guess it's just me and that causes my face to just burn up red. To avoid further actual embarrassment, I snatch my hand out of his grasp. It causes him to slightly turn towards me but before he could say anything, Tristan is next to me and slings his arm around my shoulder.

"Did you see Veronica's face, Cara?" Tristen questions me with a laugh.

"She looked like a volcano ready to burst!" Hunter replies from the other side.

"Obviously since we soiled her plans" I add, well kind of since she did manage to embarrass me in the end...

"You can't be serious! Don't tell me you don't know..." Hunter starts but stops mid sentence by himself, maybe on seeing my confused expression.

"Oh she is serious" Violent laughs and Ryan shakes his head with a small smile.

"She might have intended to humiliate you.." Hunter starts.

"...But you not only gave a rocking performance..." Hayden continues.

"...You ended up looking..." Hunter adds on but stops again, a hint of red on his cheeks.

"Wet like a drowned rat?" I supply them. On hearing this they all start laughing which makes me even more confused and a frown mares my face.

"Hot babe. You looked hot" Wren hollers as he passes by us. While everyone laughs along in agreement I fail to see Austen's hand fold in tight grip.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Author's Note - And the part 2 is here! My plot outline shows me I have 15 more chapters to go! So let's see.

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