Chapter 21

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Tyra's POV

No word was spoken about what happened during the basketball match but I guess all was good as the next day I saw Austen and Tristan being their usual self with each other. A small pouch made its way to my doorstep too. It had a small pair of earrings with a note saying - Sorry.

He noticed my love for earrings, I internally squealed in delight. A smile never left my face in the days that followed and I was content with how things were going, except for today.

It was finally Halloween week or as known as School Spirit Week at Everthrone High. The whole week had different sets of competitions happening throughout the day and the grounds were transformed into a pop up market to give the carnival vibes. Each day along with the competitions there were different themes to dress up as well with the week ending in the School Halloween Dance.

Today was the 3rd day of the School Spirit Week and also the day of the next round of scholastic decathlon. To say I was a bundle of nerves would be an understatement.

"You will do good Cara, don't worry," Tristan motivates me as he and the rest of the crew make their way towards the classroom where the competition is being held. It was going to be the first time in my whole high school career that I would be having people in the audience who were there for me.

The competition goes on without a glitch, and with the team being more stronger with Bella benign here, we clinched another win for our school.

The boys hastily wish me my congratulations as they rush for the inter school Battle Of The Bands competition, that they were participating after much convincing from my and Violet's end.

I wasn't able to leave immediately as there were post competition rituals, but when I finally met Violet backstage, I was happy to know that the boys had reached the final round.

"Now for the final round, are you guys ready," the host on the stage screams to the audience to hype them up, and the crowd indeed goes crazy.

"So for the final battle, each of the bands will select a song for their competing band to play," the host explains, "So let's get both the finalist bands on the stage," he continues and I hear the crowd get even more loud, not that I can blame them.

I knew the guys looked but today they had managed to turn on the heat even more. Each of them was decked in dark coloured t-shirts and denims with leather jacket to complete the look. The opposition I noticed was no less and were definitely part of the good looking and popular crowd at their school as well.

"Damn right?" Violet steals my thoughts and I nod at her slyly as a giggle escapes my mouth at the sight of all the hotness. Violet joins in my giggles but I know her eyes set only on Ryan.

"What are you both laughing for?" Hunter grumbles as they make their way backstage, I guess we missed the remaining announcements in our ogling fiesta.

"Why are you in such a bad mood? You are in the finals!" I ask, wondering out loud.

"Those suckers chose, Closer by Chainsmokers for us," Tristan replies without elaborating further.

"And that's a problem..." I let my question hang.

"Because, it's a duet and since we don't have a female singer, no matter how many twists we add, our performance will be subpar," Ryan explains for my benefit and I too deflate a little feeling sad for my friends.

Still, they use the time given to them for prep to give their best. My body, by its own accord, goes to stand next to Austen where he is tuning his guitar.

"Did you not like them?" Austen's soft voice questions me, trying to keep the conversation between us. I looked at him questioningly, unable to pinpoint what he was talking about.

"The earrings," he elaborates in huff at my lack of response.

"Yeah, I d..." I go to reply but he doesn't let me finish.

"Yeah that's why you haven't worn them since you received them," he replies with his patent blank tone and goes towards the rest of them leaving me speechless.

Why is he behaving like this over a piece of earrings? I wonder to myself but still go towards the group to clarify since I didn't like the no emotion tone he addressed me with, but my thoughts remain my thoughts as Hayden has an interesting new idea,

"Why don't you sing with us Tyra?" he blurts out his amazing idea and is awarded with are you crazy looks from everyone.

I am not even entertaining that idea, but Hunter and Ryan have already started looking at the rules, which confirm that I could actually join them.

"Amazing! Tyra you can duet with.." Hunter excitedly looks at me but my face must have said it all.

"I am not singing with you all," I say out loud.

"But why not!" Tristan questions me this time.

"Yes, Tyra, we have all heard you, you sing really well," Violet tries to encourage me.

"It's different when I sing in front of the whole crowd and in front of you all," I explain as nervousness at even the thought of being on stage is settling in my stomach like lead.

"But you sang in front of everyone during the party," Hayden counters back.

"I was drunk," I simply replied.

"If she doesn't want to, don't force her," Austen declares before anyone can protest further.

Had this been for my benefit, I would have loved it, but the look of aloofness in Austen's eyes told me that it wasn't. He simply didn't care and that didn't sit well with me.


The opposing team were done with their performance. I won't lie, they were good. Our boys are taking the stage now. After the intro music, Austen's voice fills the auditorium,

"Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you..."

Each beat, each word that he sings and they play, I can see how much they are enjoying themselves. It takes me back to all the instances they jammed together be it in Austen's basement or at Maggie's. It reminds me quite bitterly, how for the past 1 year they had distanced themselves from all music. The sudden realization that the competition isn't about winning, but memories for them, replacing the bad ones with the good ones, has me making a split second decision.

I grab the mike from the backstage helper and enter the stage at the end of the chorus, joining in seamlessly.

"You look as good as the day I met you.."

If the boys are surprised by my entry onto the stage, they don't show it. I too don't look at the crowd and just focus on the guys, after all I was here for them. As I am singing each line, I am dancing a bit with each of them before finally reaching the front where Austen was just as I reached the chorus.

"So, baby, pull me closer.." I push my hair back and tuck them behind my ears as I step closer to him. His eyes immediately lock into the earrings adorning my ear, the ones he had given and an almost smile makes way to his face.

The smile makes it almost impossible for me to look away from his face. As he enters into the chorus with me, the harmony of our voices traps me into a bubble where it's just him and me and everything around us disappears.

The maddening applause from the audience at the end of the performance was enough to break whatever spell I was under. The thundering of my heart was due to anxiety or being in close proximity to my crush I did not know. I quickly made my way backstage and was swept into the group hug with the guy, Violet and Angel. The high from the performance doubled into happiness when the boys were declared winners.

Later on when we are all in Austen's basement, celebrating their win, Ryan thanks me, "Thanks for making this happen," he says while pointing to the happy faces and I just shrug to indicate it was no big deal.

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