IX: Will Work For Coffee

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Wren was anxious to go back to the tea shop. Ever since he'd been forced to leave so abruptly he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. He knew something was wrong with Elliot, but he wasn't sure what. He wanted to find out, but he didn't know how. He didn't want to force himself into the younger man's life, when he wasn't sure he was wanted in it. In fact, he was fairly sure he wasn't; at least, not in the way he hoped.

Sure, he had flirted with Elliot, and he seemed to react well enough. He had never really flirted back, only gotten red and flustered at some of his comments. Wren couldn't help himself, watching Elliot in that state pleased him immensely, it was rather heart warming. To be quite frank, heat pooled in other areas than just his heart, watching the blush creep over Elliot's milky skin. Even his ears turned brightly red, a fact he was sure Elliot was painfully aware of.

But now, Wren wasn't quite sure Elliot was into him that way. Maybe he was just a friendly guy, trying to make a new acquaintance, and accepting the flirting as a part of Wren. Now, this might seem a bit far fetched, but for Wren who hadn't actually attempted to initiate a relationship before, he couldn't be too sure of himself.

Still, he came back to the tea shop the day after, punctual as ever, opening the door at exactly six o'clock. He looked around, but couldn't seem to locate Elliot, the one he was desperately seeking. Of course, Wren would never admit to being desperate, but the incredibly tight sensation in his gut could not be explained in any other way. He needed to se Elliot up on his feet once again, to make sure he was alright.

This, unfortunately, didn't happen. He wasn't met by anyone at the door as he usually was, as they were all becoming accustomed to him coming in at the same time every day. He wasn't even greeted by a smile while walking to his table - honestly, he wasn't even sure Abigail or Mae had seen him. They were both busy, running around taking orders and at the same time managing the counter and people buying things to go. It seemed to be a stressful day, and he wondered if that was why Elliot hadn't come out. Perhaps with this crowd they ran out of cakes and pastries faster than usual, and Elliot had to keep baking past six when he usually stopped.

Wren hoped this was the case, and that Elliot had already recovered from the previous day's incident, whatever that was. He felt drawn to the kitchen door, almost sneaking a peek in, but quickly catching himself. He wasn't that desperate. He would simply wait to be served, and then subtly sneak a question about yesterday into the conversation.

"Wren, I'm glad to see that yesterday's events wasn't too off-putting, and you decided to come back!" Abigail's voice penetrated his ears, and behind her happy tone he could hear the stress. It was blatantly obvious for anyone who payed the least bit of attention to her, but he suspected many in the café didn't.

"Yes, I was worried about Elliot yesterday and wanted to see how he was doing. What happened?" Wren cursed himself, that was not how he intended to subtly sneak the question in; he had just carelessly thrown it out there, not even slightly cautious. He resisted the urge to slap himself in the face at his own stupidity. How smooth of him.

Abigail frowned.

"Worried?" She seemed to let this sink in for a few seconds. "Well, he's fine," came her answer eventually. It was evident that there was more to it, but it was also clear that it wasn't any of Wren's business.

"I won't poke and prod the subject for too long, I just wanted to make sure that nothing too bad had happened. I would miss him if he was gone for too long, you know? Oh, speaking of that, is he still in the kitchen?" Wren's voice didn't hide his hopefulness, and for a moment his face was without any of the usual guard he put up. Even around Elliot.

Abigail noticed this, as she'd had a habit of carefully watching the two men interact, for the sole purpose of making sure Elliot was alright. She knew how fragile he truly was. She didn't know how to interpret Wren's facial expression, though, whether or not to assume that was a good thing. She sincerely hoped it was, because Elliot deserved something as open and honest as that, but she remained cautious.

"No, not today. We forced him to take the day off, that's why we're running around like maniacs right now. A third person on the floor is needed at this time of day. I'll tell him you asked for him, though. I know it would mean a lot to him." She was absentmindedly staring out the window, but as she spoke the last sentence her head snapped towards Wren.

"Don't tell him I told you so!" Wren couldn't help the smile on his face, as Abigail reminded him of his middle school years. How many times hadn't he heard the same sentence? It was quite sweet, and Wren was glad to hear it. Somehow that sentence made the initial statement seem more genuine.

"Scout's honor," Wren promised as he held up three fingers. He had never been a scout, but she didn't need to know that.

Abigail just laughed at him.

"Anyway, what would you like? I've spent way too much time here already, and need to get back to other customers." Wren couldn't help but to feel a tinge of disappointment, as Elliot wasn't there to suggest something he'd just baked with an excited expression on his face, showing Wren just how passionate he was about his job.

"Actually, I don't feel like eating anything. How about a cup of coffee?" No matter what, he couldn't go without that caffeine boost.

"Sure, I'll be right back." She turned around, and gazed at the busy shop. "Actually, expect a delay." With that she hurried back to the other customers that Mae had been keeping entertained with jokes and anecdotes.

Wren watched as the two women stressed to manage everything, and decided to do something about it. So, when Abigail finally came back with his cup of coffee, he had a question for her.

"So, where can I get one of those aprons?" he asked, gesturing to the red apron tied around her waist. She looked confused for only a moment, before quickly catching on.

"Oh no, don't even think about it. You're a customer, you're not working here. Not even in our current state of chaos." Wren gave her the most unimpressed look he could, and slowly sipped his cup of coffee. A cappuccino, this time.

"By the time I'm done with my coffee, I expect an apron to be placed on the seat next to me, if not I will tear this place down looking for it," he said in a casual tone, that he knew would have more effect than raising his voice. Wren could be quite intimidating when he wanted to. After all, that was needed in his line of work. If people didn't trust him, he would convince them that he was right.

Abigail scurried off without another word, and a minute later there was an apron next to him. After Abigail had once again turned her on him, he let out a self-satisfied snicker. He knew he would win that fight easily.

He quickly slurped up what was left of his coffee, before tying the apron around his waist. He figured he looked a bit too formal in his suit, so he took off his tie and suit jacket, and planned to leave them somewhere in the back.

He didn't know what he was expecting when he entered the kitchen, but it was definitely a shock to se a unknown man with a whisk in his hand, beating the batter. Wren came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the doorway, and stared at the man. What was he doing in Elliot's kitchen?

Of course, he didn't expect the tea shop to go a whole day without freshly baked sweets, but he hadn't even considered the possibility of the tea shop having another baker than Elliot. That, in his mind, was completely out of the question. This was Elliot's domain, and no one else should set foot there But Wren unfroze before the baker had turned around to face him, and after a brief introduction Wren was soon out in the shop again.

He checked to pockets of the apron, and surely there was a pen and notepad. Great, he could get started.

A/N: Yay, it's another short one! Okay, I'm sincerely sorry for the lenght of my chapters, as I know most readers perfer longer ones. But it seems as though this is how my mind works, and this is most likely how it will continue.

Sorry about that, but it keeps my undates frequent so you don't have to wait as long in between chapters. That's something, rihgt? :)

Dedicated to Chennelle for giving me the idea of Wren working in the shop (I hope you don't mind me changing it a bit)

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