IV: Cherry Vanilla Cupcakes

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Elliot was once again in the bakery early monday morning. During the weekdays they opened their doors at six am, to make sure that everyone who wanted could stop by for breakfast in the shop. That meant that Elliot had to be there at least one hour earlier to start baking, and just before they opened everything had to be put in place. It was stressful and tiresome, but Elliot loved it. Even if he didn't, he would have happily done it; he was just one of those people. Selfless, never puts himself first. Whereas Elliot would think this was one of his best qualities, others might not agree.

Take Auntie Mae, for example. She could see how Elliot struggled long and hard hours in the bakery, and even though he would never admit it it was tearing on him. There were nights where he only got a couple hours of sleep, because he would be the last one to leave the shop, and the first one to arrive in the morning. This was something Elliot never even gave a second thought, for him it was obvious that this had to happen. But Auntie Mae had plenty of guilty feelings because of this. The problem, though, was that Elliot couldn't see the problem. She had tried to talk to him several times, but he never understood what was wrong. He could only see that he was needed, and therefore also willing to step in.

The option of hiring second baker had already been discussed, but Elliot said promptly no. He didn't want to force Auntie Mae into hiring yet another baker, that would mean one more pay check each month. Elliot would do anything to keep something like that from weighing on her shoulders. Even if it meant his health was on the line.

But this particular morning Elliot was feeling even more excited than usual. He knew exactly why, and wasn't afraid to admit it. He was looking forward to meeting Mr Handsome again later tonight. Mr Handsome was Elliot's name for the business man that had started coming in recently; he didn't know his real name. Mr Handsome seemed like a good substitute though, as that it exactly what he was. He had piercing grey eyes, ones that could see straight into your soul if they so wanted, hair usually disheveled from hours in the office, and a jaw sharper than the tools Elliot used to bake. It was obvious that he had a desk job, as he always wore a suit and tie, although he often looked slightly rugged coming into the shop.

All of this, Elliot had noticed in only the last week. The man always showed up exactly at six o'clock, presumably when he left work. Perfectly timed with when Elliot switched to waiting tables. Not once did he choose himself what to eat, but seemed to know where to sit so Elliot would wait his table, and also choose for him.

Every single time he had refused the cups of tea Elliot offered, insisting he'd much rather have a cup of coffee. This made Elliot increasingly frustrated; why would a man sitting in a tea shop refuse tea? Why would he even come there? Well, the answer was fairly obvious to Elliot; the man had simply fallen in his baking as so many others before him.

By the time the shop was supposed to open Elliot was brought out of his baking bubble. He had set one of the timers to go off five minutes before opening, because he knew if he didn't, he could stand all day in the kitchen without realising time was passing.

All he had baked that morning was covered in cloth to keep them somewhat warm; the customers certainly preferred them that way if possible. All he had to do now was carry out the large trays to the shop and uncover them, then he was all set. The coffee machines had already been turned on, and the kettles were filled with hot water. Everything was in order.

The hours between six and eight am were always hectic. The people going to work would stop by for breakfast, most of them stressed for work and needed their food done as soon as possible. Elliot really shouldn't be alone those hours, but Abigail had once asked to sleep in, and after that he'd let her start a couple of hours later.

Of course, she knew what the mornings looked like and she knew that it would be easier to share the burden between two, but who would say no to two more hours of sleep? Not her, evidently. Elliot might have regretted that decision, but never vocalised his thoughts. He really didn't want to wake Abigail up that early unless he really couldn't handle the morning rush himself. And he could, he really could. It was just a bit stressful; nothing he wasn't used to.

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