XXII: Good Enough

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"Isn't it lovely, Angus?" Elliot asked as he looked at the christmas tree standing in the corner of the small apartment. It wasn't anything special, really — only waist high with some small decorations and a star on top that Elliot had made the previous year from some wire and paper.

     He'd save the big thing for Auntie Mae's house.

     23rd of December was lurking just around the corner, in only a few minutes the n would peek out, and Elliot wanted to be awake to see it the light spill over the horizon as he had so many times before. There was something special about the way the city seemed to come alive as soon as the first rays of sunshine hit, and the muted sounds grew louder until they reached Elliot's apartment windows. The opposite happened when the sun set — everything grew calmer and quieter somehow, this city wasn't one that woke up when night fell. It was fascinating how light affected life.

     Angus was sleeping soundly in his lap, lazily sighing every now and then. Elliot felt bad for neglecting Angus the way he had since he met Wren. He'd replaced Angus-time with Wren-time, Angus-cuddles with Wren-cuddles, and barely did more than feed the cat. Only on the rare occasions when Wren for some reason had to stay at his own place did Elliot actually give Angus the affection he deserved to get on an everyday basis.

     "I'm sorry buddy. You know I love you, I just haven't grasped the concept of sharing my affections quite yet," Elliot said as he stroked Angus' soft stomach. "I keep forgetting that I'm not the only one who needs love — you do too. Now that I get my fix somewhere else, it just slips my mind that you don't have anyone to cuddle with."

     Elliot felt sorrow cloud his mind as he kept stroking the fluffy cat. He'd failed Angus. Just as he thought maybe he got something right, everything else seemed to go wrong.

     "Okay, you know what?" Elliot asked, well aware that he wouldn't get an answer. "It's christmas tomorrow, which means that sad thoughts aren't allowed. Only happy thoughts." With that, Elliot got up and grabbed his coat. Time to open the shop.

     "I'll be home tonight, buddy. The nice lady from downstairs will feed you lunch, as usual. Be a good boy!" 

     Angus couldn't care less about what Elliot said — he was a cat after all. Cats were above listening to silly humans, and their petty requests. He'd do as he pleased, as he always did. Still, it didn't stop Elliot from giving him a condescending pat on the head before leaving.

     If cats could scoff, Elliot imagined that's how Angus would have reacted. Instead, he just narrowed his eyes and turned his head away. He also made sure to flick his tail for good measure.

     Elliot nearly skipped the whole way to the store, he'd never felt so excited before. Christmas was only hours away! Christmas baking was on the list of things to do today, and that's what Elliot started with as soon as he arrived in the shop.

     "Morning, Des," Elliot said as he threw off his coat and grabbed an apron. "I thought you were leaving today?" Desmond turned around to face Elliot, flour all over. He'd always been a messy baker.

     "Plane doesn't leave until nine thirty, I though I'd spend my last hours with you in here," Desmond said and smiled. Elliot suddenly realised how little time he'd spent with Desmond too, the time he'd been here. They were childhood friends, and the first time Des visited in almost two years Elliot spent more time with Wren than he did with his friend.

     Why was he allowing Wren to take over his life? He'd let love get in the way of too many things, he'd neglected the people closest to him just to spend an extra hour with Wren here and there.

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